Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ships Ahoy...

Ships Ahoy…
This was probably the roughest week so far. Chris (Kerry’s mom) is starting to get around a little more on her own but still her needs are great. Between Kerry and I, we’ve got it covered.
Kerry’s dad (Red) started the week with a near fall. His balance is almost totally gone. He is now using oxygen 98% of the time. When asked if his pain is getting worse, his reply is simply, “The pain I can handle. It’s the weakness that irritates me.” Once he is on his feet, he can get around (slowly) but it is the getting up part that takes its toll.
On the bright side. Kerry’s sister (Tina) is coming to Tucson on July 9th, giving Kerry and I a much needed vacation. Last year (in July) we flew to Seattle to visit Justin’s family. Then we flew to Nick’s place in Alabama and from there we dropped down to Key West for a little quiet time. This year we are going to take an Alaskan cruise. We leave for Seattle on July 10th and will have a couple of days with the grandkids before the ship pulls out. Sadly, we will miss seeing Nick and his gang. At least we got to see him last November when he travelled to Tucson to help celebrate Red’s 90th birthday.
Tina (Christina) gets HUGE BIG MASSIVE points from us for stepping up to the plate (once again) to give us a much needed break from our daily routines.
On another note…Kerry had one more epidural last week and so far, so good. She has been dealing with so many stresses lately (her 3 eye surgeries…yes 3, getting news that Justin was being posted to the middle east (again), her back injury at work, her blephrospasm condition and the massive dose of botox she received to help calm the spasms–and ending up having to deal with horific side effects (and her needing these shots once every four months...for life), her parents both being signed up for in-home hospice and all that goes along with that, and a few other stresses to top it all off…She started a 2 month leave from work to help her regroup. Sounds like a good reason to sit on a ship and have her spoiled for a couple of weeks…Ships ahoy.
My prayer today is for the Gifts God bestows upon us;
Great Father and Merciful One, Kerry and I give you praise for the light you cast upon this dark journey we find ourselves taking. If it wasn’t for your light we would simply perish in the darkness but we fear not. Instead we boldly venture forward excited about each step ahead. Like in Job, when he thought all was lost, it was yet only the beginning of a great thing. We praise you Lord for the beginning You have in store for us. Praises to you for the trip we will soon be taking and we ask for safe travel mercies.
We pray for all of these things in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen

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