Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Salute to those who served...

A Salute to those who served… 

A few days ago (last Thursday) we got a call over the intercom at 5:20am, “Help Help Help…She’s gone down” ... We jumped into action ...
That was Red (Kerry’s dad) calling us to come and help get Chris up off of the floor. When Kerry and I arrived we found Chris next to her bed, on her knees, holding onto her walker. She looked like she was kneeling in prayer.
We checked for injuries before moving her. I picked her up and sat her on the edge of her bed. She was like a limp noodle, totally surrendering to her cirumstance. As our grip slowly released, she started sliding once again back down-we stopped her quickly, before she ended up back onto the floor.
As far as injuries went, everything was fine, except for a few booboo's. She also complained that her foot was a little sore. By the time we got her to her recliner, her foot started to swell up a bit. We treated her foot with ice while dressing her other wounds. Both her and Red's skin is extremely fragile and easily damaged.
This was the day of her shower and massage by the hospice nurses’ aide (ery Monday and Thusday). We called in to report the fall to the hospice nurse on duty. Chris had a sponge bath in her chair and the RN on duty came by to evaluate. An x-ray was ordered. The technician showed up at 4:45pm and took a few shots of the foot and ankle from various angles.
We were told on Friday that there were no broken bones. So, all we need to do is manage the pain and be thankful that there wasn’t anything broken.
On Wednesday, the day before the fall, the hospice chaplain and social worker came by to honor Chris and Red for their time served in the armed forces (the Navy WAVES for Chris and the British RAF for Red). They were given a small framed thank you note and a blanket. That made their day.
My prayer today is a simple one;
Thank you, Jesus for minor injuries when they could have been much worse. Praise God for healing. We give You praise for being able to be there to help Red and Chris live out their days surrounded with love. Give us strength Lord to continue on this course for as long as you deem it necessary. As we bow down to You, we humbly follow Your path, and we do this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen

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