Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will Walk 4 Food

As you may remember, I used to get up in the middle of the night to answer Red’s call for help (see my BLOG posting Sleep Walker, Tuesday May 8th). Last night, around 1am our new intercom system came alive with Chris (Kerry’s mom) calling for her husband (Red). Because their intercom module is voice activated (VOX), her calling out “Red” over and over again was broadcast to our bedroom module. We (Kerry and I) sprang into action.
As we arrived in the kitchen we found Red sitting at the dining room table finishing off a plate of yogurt with ketchup and left over stir fry (all mixed together). Usually, one would think that he just woke up hungry and wanted a snack. But when he started talking about his waking up and wanting to eat some of the leftovers from our catered meal the night before, one might ask if he was in fact fully awake or simply sleep walking.
The call from Chris was simply her waking up to see that he was not in his bed. Her calling out his name was her way of trying to ask him if he was okay (she thought he was in the bathroom). Apparently when he got up he turned on a bunch of lights, waking up his Chris in the process.
The events of last night were a first, just like this morning when he entered his living room. He put on his oxygen nasal prongs and went to the table to eat his breakfast…problem was, the oxygen generator is on the other side of the room next to his recliner. When I got the call from Chris that Red needed some help, I once again sprung into action. Upon entering the room I found Red sitting at his table, eating his meal with the oxygen tube tightly stretched across the room about 4 feet off of the floor, going from his nose to the generator. He looked content even though the machine wasn’t on. He seemed surprised when I reminded him that he usually eats first then sits in his chair with the oxygen running. He was still a little confused but eventually the cobwebs started to clear and now it is all as it should be, loud tv, recliners reclined, and snoring abound.

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