Sunday, June 17, 2012

Monsoon Miracle...

Monsoon Miracles…
As you know, Kerry’s mom (Chris) fell last week and injured her right foot (no broken bones but some swelling and pain). Her mobility went from Slow-But-Sure all the way down to Zero-On-Her-Own. Toay she is not getting around without help.
Whenever Chris has an injury,she becomes somewhat more demanding of our time. Now, don’t get me wrong…we love being the caregivers for both Red and Chris and when one (or both) of them needs extra care, well…bring it on! 
The problem here is the monsoon of demands that are suddenly cast upon us. The intercom paging system is going off regularly with, “Richard…Richard…Richard or Kerry...Kerry...Kerry.”  When we reply with, “Yes, do you need something?” the reply we get back is, “Richard…Richard…Richard or Kerry...Kerry...Kerry.” Most of the time, it is simply easier to just go into her room and ask her what she needs.
Her most common need is to have her heating pad (or ice pack) placed back onto her foot. Since she gets up every 15 minutes, the pad or pack ends up on the floor. Richard…Richard…Richard. You’ve heard of the saying, “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.” Lately it is me, not my name that is worn out.
Now, for the miracle…
Red (Kerry’s dad) went to his oncologist last week for his monthly visit. All, and I mean All of his labs have improved. Most important, his PSA numbers have dropped (that’s a good thing). Even though we are within the middle of an emotional monsoon, we praise God for these miracles.
My prayer today is for miracles and yes, even the storms.
Father, merciful provider, we praise you for so many things. Mostly we are thankful for the miracles you provide as well as the storms we endure. These bumps in the road do not slow us down and for the strength to continue on we give you praise. Bless Kerry as she deals with her own emotional and physical issues and thank you Lord for using me as an instrument for Chris and Red. As I pick either of them up I praise You for the strength you give me. May you continue to give Kerry and me good health and endurance so that we may continue on this course for the duration, however long that may be. And if You decide it is time to call either Chris or Red home, may you do so in a peaceful and beautiful way. I pray for these things in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
And lastly, a Happy Father’s day to all of the dad’s out there...

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