Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh Canada...and stuff

Oh Canada…and stuff

Well, let’s start with the folks and how they are doing…Kerry’s dad (Red) is having some pretty good days. This is his cycle; he will have a few good days then everything seems to crash leaving him feeling lousy for a few days. It is a constant roller coaster ride and he hates it. When he has those good days he thinks he can do so much when in fact he still tires easily. We suggested to him that when he is having those ‘good’ days, he should relax and enjoy the time he has without pain and discomfort. He agreed and today, like yesterday, he is taking it easy even though he feels like he can do more. 

When I got a call last night for help by Chris (Kerry’s mom) I found her half-way standing, her lower body over the side of the bed and her upper body on top of the bed…she was stuck and couldn’t move. She had gotten up to use the potty and couldn’t make it back into her bed. She needed help and her calling out for me was broadcasted throughout the house (VOX P.A. system). I tried to allow her to do crawl up into bed herself, which she could not do. I ended up picking her up in my arms and placed her back in the middle of her bed. As she lay there, she started to complain about her little round pillow. For the last 1 ½ years she used this pillow to snuggle with and suddenly, within the last week, she started complaining about her pillow, and how it is too big with the pillow case around it.  In the middle of the night, last night, while I placed her back within the safety of her bed, she started on again about her pillow. I suggested that she not worry about her pillow now, but instead she should focus on being happy she didn’t get hurt when she was out of the bed. She fell asleep immediately. First thing this morning when Kerry went in to get her up, Chris brought up the pillow. I guess Kerry and her will figure it all out. 

As Chris was finally falling back to sleep, Red came out of the bathroom. He was in there the entire time I was dealing with his wife. When he saw me he cried out for help. He wasn’t sure he could make it back to his bed, he wasn’t sure he could find his oxygen cannula, he wasn’t sure where his water was and of course he wasn’t sure of what was going on. I took care of his needs before heading back to bed myself. As I left the room I asked him if he had everything he needed and he replied, “I think I’ve got it all under control.  Good night.”

My prayer today is for national pride;

Oh heavenly Father, I bow before you and give you praise for this wonderful country America. It has been so good to me, and millions of others. She shines like a beacon to the world, as You do, and for that, humanity is grateful. Lord, I also give you praise for my home nation Canada. The pride that flows through my veins is exciting and  powerful. I am so blessed to have been born a Canadian and I will take that pride with me to the grave. I ask you Lord to Bless all of my fellow Canadian and American brothers and sisters on this birthday weekend. May your light continue to shine and illuminate, especially for those still stuck and lost within the darkness of a life without you. For all of these things I drop to my knees and pray, in your Sons name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Less than 10 days before we are on vacation . . . and counting

So, on a lighter note…Happy Birthday Canada. Man oh man it feels good to be a Canadian…

Check these 3 videos out.



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