Monday, July 30, 2012

Please Pray for Red...

Please pray for Red…

The day we expected is closing in on us. Kerry’s dad has gone seriously down hill in such a short period of time. A week ago Kerry and I were returning from our two week vacation, sharing stories with Red and Chris, handing out gifts and generally being glad to see each other. 

Last Friday a volunteer from hospice came by to visit Red and together they sat and chatted for 2 hours. Red was sharp, focused and glad to have the company.  

Last Saturday, Red suddenly started moving much slower and needed to have me help him stand up when he needed to make a bathroom run. 

Yesterday (Sunday) he made a bathroom run in the morning after breakfast. He spent the rest of the day in his recliner, sleeping.  Getting him to bed was challenging. ZERO mobility! 

Today, it was obvious that there was not much time left for Red. He was ready to go home. So now we do all we can do to make him comfortable. 

There are too many details to share and such little time. So instead of posting each day as the final days pass, I am making daily notes and will make one posting when this chapter is complete.

For now, please pray for Red and the peace he deserves.

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