Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Journey Home....

The Journey Home…

I can’t believe that is has been a full year since Kerry and I traveled up to Seattle to visit Justin and his family, then to Alabama to see Nicholas and his crew followed by a little sun and fun in Key West, where the two of us just hung around, eating, swimming, snorkeling, sightseeing, relaxing, recharging.  

Sure, we had a mini break earlier this year when Kerry’s sister, Tina came up to stay with us for a week, but unless one actually gets away from the environment, it really doesn’t count as a vacation. 

This Monday (tomorrow) we pick Tina up at the airport and first thing on Tuesday, she drops us off at the airport. After we fly up to Seattle and spend a few days with Justin’s family we will board the Golden Princess for a 7 day cruise to Alaska. When we return from the cruise we will get a couple of more days with Justin (and his gang). 

With that said, we are ready for this vacation (I mean really ready). Kerry and I are worn out and need our batteries recharged. With Kerry's mom now being totally dependent for her most basic needs and Kerry’s dad declining quickly, our daily grind is just that…a GRIND!

What makes us so tired? The answer is an easy one; always having to be ready to jump into action (24/7). Sometimes their needs are as simple as helping Kerry’s mom get set up to brush her teeth. Other times we are needed to manage and monitor pain control for Kerry’s dad. The calls come in throughout the day and every now and then during the night. 

When speaking with both of them, they will openly admit that they are ready to move on. They are tired of living this way. No longer can they do the things they used to. They are ready to see God. When Kerry’s mom complains about having a sleepless night (and she does complain often) I suggest to her that while she is in bed, as the night time darkness surrounds her, during those moments of contemplation she should maybe use that free time to speak with God; one on one. And if she is really ready to go, she should pray to Him about that want. If He deems it to be the right time He will bring her home. 

Kerry’s dad on the other hand prays to go home every day. He made a promise to God to stay in this world as long as his wife needed him. We now tell him that this commitment has been fulfilled. When they moved in with us we took over the care of both of them. He passed the baton of his covenant with God to us. I think he still feels it is his responsibility to insure that his wife is okay.  Slowly we are able to show him that it is okay if he needs to go. Soon the two of them will be in Gods glorious kingdom, dancing like teenagers, embracing those who are already there, waiting.

My prayer today is their prayer…for the journey home.

Our merciful Father please hear this prayer. I ask that you bring peace and comfort to Red and Chris and an easy transition from this mortal world into Your kingdom. We are thankful that they are both of sound mind and able to remember all of those happy years they had together raising their family and we ask that You show them that all is well with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. May they know that there is no unfinished business to worry about or problems that need to be solved.  We praise you for what Your words promise and it brings joy to Kerry and me to see Kerry’s dad reading his bible at the beginning of every day and to hear him sing songs about You as the day winds to an end. We bow before You and honor You for the gift you gave us, life on earth, and for the life You offer us in heaven. For all of these things we yell out Your name and sing with joy. Amen.

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