Monday, April 23, 2012

Food 4 Thought . . .

Food 4 Thought . . .

When looking at ways to have fun, the options for Red (Kerry’s dad) are limited. Then it dawned on me. “Hey Red, feel like making a trip to Costco this morning?” His reply was immediate and with conviction, “Yes!”
Once I got back from the gym and quickly changed into clean clothes. Red was waiting, excited about getting out of the house, even though it was only a shopping trip.
His spirit was up as well as his energy level. Once we arrived, he had his list and I had mine. I ran around loading up on needed items and he did the same. Finally I went looking for him. There he was, standing in the pharmacy area, trying to punch numbers into his cell phone. I knew he was trying to call me. I walked up behind him, tempted to wait for my cell phone to ring. It would have been funny to have him call me and ask me where I was only for me to reply, “Standing 5 feet behind you.” But I just walked up to him and asked him how he was doing.  He was pleased with his accomplishments. Together we headed to the meat department to explore the enormous varieties available (one of Red’s favorite things to do).
Within an hour, we both were getting tired and began working our way to the cashier. We didn’t have to wait in a line as there were several empty cashier stations. On the way home, we laughed and joked and I got to share in the moment…the moment that was Red’s joy. I smiled as I contemplated; I praised God.
I pondered at how much we have available to us, compared to what I saw in Senegal last year. How would those I met in Africa react to a place such as this? To learn more about my mission trip, please read my daily journal at

Thanks Costco . . .

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