Thursday, April 12, 2012

Debris in the Pool

Debris in the Pool

Up to now this BLOG has been about living with the aged. But there is so much more to share. So, moving forward I will just BLOG about the day to day life of Richard (what I like, dislike, see and feel). Today will be that first day of "Change" and I hope you find it interesting (and entertaining).

All winter long my pool has been sitting there, dormant, waiting patiently for life to return to its depths. The chemicals have been balanced and as of last week, our pool has returned to a life of bringing joy to those who dare swim within her. Yes, the temp is still a little too low for Kerry and me (72 degrees F)-we prefer to wait until the water temp is in the high 80's. Last week when Justin and his family were here, cold water or not, they didn't care.

We spent extra time cleaning up all of the stuff floating in the water, cleaned filters and backwashed the system to insure everything was pristine, and it was.

Why is it that you can go an entire winter with little debris being blown into the pool, but once the cover is removed and everything is sparkling, the "BIG" winds come up and blow all kinds of stuff into the water?

And to add to the mess, the flowers from all of the Palo Verde have flown everywhere - but they sure are pretty.

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