Sunday, April 8, 2012

Help the Forgotten Ones

Help the Forgotten Ones…

As part of my weekly Sunday Prayer for the Elderly, I can’t help but think of those who don’t have someone to pray over them. When I wrote my book “Will Work 4 Food” I got to walk within the trenches of our homeless and met some elderly folks who have nothing-I mean absolutely nothing, no partner, no family, no loved ones at all, nothing! Their only companion is the loneliness of their day to day struggle for survival.

Looking at Kerry’s mom and dad I can’t help but see how blessed they are to have people surrounding them that love them and CARE. Those of you who have an elderly person (or two) living with you should feel blessed for you are a gift to them and for that you will be rewarded.

So, today it is all about remembering those who are forgotten, with no family, dying alone. Our prayer is for them;

Lord our Father, let compassion REIGN where ever our elderly are living or being cared for. Bless them in their old age. Sharpen their minds. Bring them laughter and joy. Soothe their spiritual and physical pain. Dearest God, let them feel they have true worth and value. Let them not be in despair. Surround them with angels. Help our dear elderly. No one ever knows what is ahead, or in their next tomorrow. Help them be not afraid. Our heavenly Father....Bless us all with an eagerness to learn from our elderly. In Jesus’ compassionate Name I do pray.  Amen.

“The silver-head is a crown of glory. If it is found in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31)

“The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair is the splendor of the old.” (Proverbs 20:29)

Today, when you see an elderly person, try taking 5 minutes out of your day to make their day a “Special” one.

For more information about Will Work 4 Food, click here;    
He Has Risen!
He Has Risen Indeed!

Happy  Easter

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