Friday, April 6, 2012

Modern Medicine

Modern Medicine

So, as you know, Red (Kerry's dad) has two cancers (one is a rare skin cancer and the other one is prostate). With his blessings, I am sharing with you the trials and tribulations he has to endure.

If you've read my previous BLOGs then you are up to date on his condition and what the future has in store for him. If you haven't read my previous posts, then feel free to do so to get updated on where we stand today.

Last week we saw his Oncologist who wanted to take a different path as far as his medications went. The labs showed his PSA was still climbing and so a change of course as far as the drugs go was in order. Red was prescribed a new med (Chemo in pill form). Red, being 90 years old would probably not handle regular Chemo therapy very well, so this less aggressive path became the preferred method of attack.

There are possible side effects which include nausea and blood in his urine. Apparently once taken these meds split into two molecules; one is the Chemo component that attacks the cancer (a good thing) while the other molecule attaches to the inner walls of the bladder, which may cause bleeding. The doctors are not concerned about that; drinking plenty of fluids will flush out the bladder and any blood within it.

Red was not eager to start the meds today because he has been, for the most part, feeling pretty good and is not looking forward to the possibility of feeling lousy. We decided to put off taking his new meds until Justin and his family returned home to Washington state. They arrived here a week ago wanting to spend as much time with Poppi (Red) as they could...and they did. But now that the house guests have gone, he reluctantly started the new meds this morning. The doctor has had very positive results with the medication to date and hopefully, Red will enjoy the same results. All prayers are appreciated.

I will keep you updated . . .

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