Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a Day...Praise God

What a Day – Praise God

Last week, Kerry hurt her back at work (pulled muscle).  They have her on light duty and physical therapy. We will know more about her situation by the end of the week.

Kerry’s mom is the same as always, and with that, no news is good news. She still gets around and does her routines and seems to be enjoying her days, her activities, and her meals.

Kerry’s dad had an appointment today with his oncologist. He went in last Friday to visit the vampires (blood work) and the results were in the doctor’s hands as we arrived. We didn’t know what to expect. There were some levels that merit keeping an eye on but the most significant result was his PSA – his numbers were stable. They were only up by 6 points from his last test. The doctor considers that as a “No Change” level. That is a good thing. So far, every time we had his PSA’s checked, the numbers doubled. That rapid increase was a concern. With today’s results, Red (Kerry’s dad) walked out of there with a skip in his step and a whistle in his song.

To celebrate, we did one of Red’s favorite things…we went walking through the local Asian supermarket. We bought squid, rice, mung beans, pork dumplings, and a few other weird items. Red was having a good time. After lunch, he and Chris (Kerry’s mom) rested for the rest of the day. Red does have those annoying aches and pains that seem to be his constant companion. A long soak in the tub helped him relax. I ache too; must be an aging thing.

Now that dinner is done (Mexican night) they are in their apartment waiting patiently for the results show for The Voice and Dancing With the Stars. We will all sleep well tonight.

What a day…praise God.

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