Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Prayer for Aging Parents...

A Prayer for Aging Parents…
It was a great week with little or no bumps in the road. Kerry’s sister Tina is coming to spend a couple of weeks with us (arriving Tuesday). That means we get to take a break from our daily routines. Tina will also take over the cooking. At some point Kerry and I will head over to San Diego to dip our toes into the Pacific ocean as well as have a lunch at Point Loma Seafood (a must for anyone who loves squid sandwiches).

Kerry strained the muscles in her lower back while working (leaning over patients beds for years can takes its toll on the back). The doctor put her on light duty for two weeks. Of course we pray for her quick and complete recovery.
So, as this week comes to an end, we continue to count our blessings for the gift we have of watching over our aging parents. Here is my prayer for them;
Blessed Breath of God, of Life, breathe through me now. In this moment, I feel the sweet and merciful fullness of God in me. I have the wisdom, grace and love of God filling my soul.

Precious God, as I watch Kerry’s aging parents change and move through the cycles of life, I am filled with emotion. Help me to be a patient and loving care giver in this experience. Show me how to honor my feelings and how to be aware of all the lessons and gifts you have for me in this experience.

Kerry and I appreciate her parents and all that they have brought to our life. I feel the early taste of grief as I realize their mortality….and my own. Fill me with respect, a big heart and a giving spirit, Lord. Help me to know the right things to do in each situation; may I always be a Light to them as their journey continues.

Prepare me Lord, for what lies ahead. Only you know the richness of our journey, God. In our Oneness, I know you light the way for them and for me. May sweet and merciful angels be with our family throughout all of our days. I give thanks for the many gifts I have already received in this family and the gifts in the days to come.
All is well and God is good. Amen.

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