Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Elderly Around the World

The Elderly Around the World

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses….
Hebrews 12:1

This week I am thanking the Lord for elderly believers, whose lives testify to the faithfulness of God, every single day, no matter what. To be able to come to the end of your life, still trusting and giving glory to God, in spite of hardship, abuse, poverty, hunger, death of a child, chronic pain or any other combination of hurt from the reservoir of suffering in this world–that gives me the courage to go on. I am also praying for those who are living the end of their lives alone. Without God. Without family. Without the Body of Christ.

I live in a part of the country with many retirees. Attending a church service filled with elderly brothers and sisters is an awesome experience to me. As I listen to them share their stories and hear them join in worship, I am deeply moved in realizing that together and cumulatively they stand as a testament to thousands of years of God’s faithfulness. Every day. No matter what.

Kerry’s mom and dad are what you would consider “Shut-Ins.” We do have trips to the doctors multiple times a week for her dad (bi-monthly for her mom). Kerry’s dad also enjoys trips to Costco, even though it does wipe him out. That is the extent of their getting out and about; they are not getting around very much these days. With their limited energy levels, their spiritual strength remains impressive. When Kerry’s dad told me a few days ago that he had trouble sleeping I asked him what he did about it. “Oh, I just lay there speaking with God,” was his reply. Good Answer!

Here is my prayer for all of the elderly around the world;

Thank you, Lord, for the elderly whose lives complement the lives and stories in Hebrews 11–examples of faith in spite of everything. They stand as witnesses to me, that even if You never make my life any easier, that even if it gets harder–harder than I want to imagine–that I can trust You and fix my eyes on You. Thank You for how these sisters and brothers live out Your joy in suffering and Your hope in times of regret and despair.

I also pray for the elderly who have come to their final years, and after everything has been said and done, are faced with emptiness and meaninglessness–lives lived without You in the picture. God, I pray that in their sadness in looking back and fear in looking forward, that they would find You and know Your peace.

I pray for the elderly who are living out the end of their lives in poverty, abandonment, confusion and pain. Without You and without Your body being the hands and feet of Your love to them.

God, help me not to forget the elderly. Do not let my family be mindless and careless in ignoring the gifts and the needs of those who are older than us. Show me how to make a difference in the lives of lonely and suffering senior citizens in my community. And all together His people said, "Amen"

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