Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Pull My Leg - Pull My Tooth...

Don’t Pull My Leg – Pull My Tooth…
Everything that can go wrong usually does so on a Friday afternoon, when the repair fees are usually double. I remember losing a filling on a Friday evening, forcing me to go 2 days before seeing the dentist. It was a long weekend. That seems to be nature’s way.
This week it was different. Thank God.
Kerry’s sister Tina arrived yesterday to spend a couple of weeks with us and to give us a much needed break from the daily routines of caring for their parents. Tina is seeing firsthand what our daily life is like. This is her second time doing this and we are already planning on another visit in September, when Kerry and I will take a 2 week vacation.
Well, last night Kerry’s dad started complaining about a toothache. When offering him options all he wanted was some instant relieve from the ache. After a quick trip to CVS he was rubbing Anbesol on his toothache; the short term relief came quickly. After a restless night he informed us that the ache was still there. When I called his dentist first thing this morning, they were able to fit him in right away. They pulled the tooth. An hour later he was back at home, without the toothache; without the tooth. Thank God this wasn’t a Friday afternoon event. He would have been miserable.
I reflected with Red (Kerry's dad) on how interesting life must have been in the days of the old west, when dentists did their thing, without novacaine; just grab on to the tooth and pull…Now that’s got to hurt.

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