Monday, April 9, 2012

Good Morning to You...

Good Morning to You…

On mornings when Kerry’s dad wakes up not feeling so great, he fumbles around, somewhat lost in a daze. It takes a long time for the “fog” to lift and until it does, he needs some extra help getting things done. That’s my job!

Then there are the good days; those days when he wakes up singing…

Good morning to you
Good morning to you
We're all in our places
With bright shiny faces
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
It's a wonderful way
To start a new day
Good morning to you

Today I was in the other end of the house and I heard Red calling out. Usually this means that there is something wrong so I rushed down to Reds apartment only to find out what I was hearing was his morning song. Today was going to be a good day.

Last Friday we went to his dermatologist for his usual Light Box (ultra violet) and Laser treatments. As mentioned in an earlier posting (A Day in the Life of Richard - March 20th) he gets these treatments every Tuesday and Friday. They take a lot out of him. Due to his prostate cancer progression, his oncologist called his dermatologist and discussed the necessity of putting Red through all of these extra treatments. Red hates going twice a week to the dermatologist. He feels fried for the rest of the day when he gets those laser and light box treatments.

When we spoke with his dermatologist on Friday it was explained that the light box treatment requires 3 treatments per week to be effective. Red said, “Well that’s not going to happen!”  He somehow negotiated his treatments down to once a week, on Fridays. The laser will be used during the same weekly visit to provide the extra punch that his skin cancer needs.

I recommended that we do whatever he wants, as long as he is comfortable. His biggest issue with his skin condition is the itching at night. With his treatments to date, the itching has been under control. Most nights he is taking a sleeping pill to help him sleep so the itching might not be an issue. All I can say is Red is now much happier not having to go to the derms office twice a week. He was wishing he could stop going all together but that was just not an option.

We saw Red's retina specialist today and after a quick examination we were told that the tiny bleeders he had on his retinas have cleared up. We are now back onto regular 6 month intervals for appointments (we were having his retinas checked every 3 months).

So, for today, it is a good day. Even though Red’s steps are slower, seeing that skip in his gate is rewarding. We will deal with the bad days as they come…

Good morning to you
Good morning to you
We're all in our places
With bright shiny faces
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
It's a wonderful way
To start a new day
Good morning to you

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