Friday, October 21, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 9

Friday Oct 7

Still feeling a little lazy, I spent most of the day at home with the dogs while Kerry and Nancy headed out to do some shopping. Nancy picked up the fixings for a Pierogi dinner while Kerry found some awesome clothes. Me, I rested like I was on vacation…a little news, a little snack, a little nap here and there. Life is good. 

Shawn, Steff and Stella came over for dinner. While eating I was making faces at Stella and she seem intrigued, not taking her eyes off of me. Then as she broke out into what I thought was a smile actually ended up being the beginning of a good cry. Yupp, Uncle Ricky scared the baby. She eventually calmed down at which point she was handed off to Kerry for some loving. She started to cry again. I felt better knowing that I wasn't the only one who can make a baby cry. Stella was then placed in Nancy’s arms. Stella's tears flowed. It was determined that she was just tired and needed to go to bed.

Dryden and I were like old friends. He remembered me from our last visit. As far as Rosie goes, Dryden didn't know what to think of Rosie. "Who was this bossy little dog taking over my world," he pondered, peacefully

I had a nice long conversation with brother Kevan on the phone telling him about my day while he told me about his. We also laughed at some of our childhood memories.

By 10:00pm Kerry and I had finished our bedtime tea and we're heading to our room, calling it a night. It was a long, lazy day...and I liked it!

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