Saturday, October 22, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 10

Saturday Oct 8

I woke up at 5:30am, after another solid night of sleep. As I sat in the living room writing in my journal, the rain outside poured constant and steady. We were lucky during this vacation as far as the rain goes. The only rain we experienced was at night time, while we slept. Hopefully this rain will stop by the time everyone gets up,

 Nancy has to work today so Kerry and I will be on our own for the day. Should be fun.

After spending a lazy morning watching CNN in our PJ's we decided to get up and go into town for some lunch and gift shopping. We purchased a cute jacket for Stella and some gifts for our nieces back home in Jacksonville (Canadian Maple cookies for all).

Stella posing in her new jacket...Aunt Kerry did good...

 Finding a place that we could both agree on for lunch was challenging. It came down to either the mall food court or just go back home and dig into some Chinese leftovers. The leftovers won…and they were good.

Kerry cooked fish tacos for dinner. It was interesting to find out that Kevan had never eaten a fish taco before. There is a first time for everything. 

After eating we sat around in conversation until bed time. Tomorrow my  brother David gets home and it is also our last day on the island. Being our last night there we will celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving a day early. This year Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the 10th of October. Did you know that Canada was the first country to celebrate Thanksgiving? They did so back in 1578, more than 40 years before the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock. We all have so much to be thankful for.

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