Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 6

Tuesday Oct 4

It rained all night but that didn't keep us from getting a great night's sleep (10 hrs). This morning I was still feeling under the weather…could be a bug I picked up. Kerry isn't at a 100% either. We decided early to take it easy today.

After a hearty granola breakfast we headed back into the tourist area, parked the car and walked around some local sights like the Public Market Plaza, where I sat and enjoyed a Belgium waffle while Kerry visited the shops. From there we went through Fan Tan Alley to visit more shops on our way to the Main Street of China Town

Once we returned back to our parking spot, it was time to turn over the keys to Kerry. It was now her shift behind the wheel. By the way, the parking computer worked this time without too much confusion.

We decided to drive the scenic route around the shore line of the city. This took us through some amazing spots like the city's oldest cemetery and a fantastic look out spot overlooking some neighborhood homes on the waterfront. 

 Then we drove by the Oak Bay Golf Course and after Oak Bay, which we thought was a very impressive part of town, we entered the Uplands neighborhood…the Beverly Hills of Victoria. We were surrounded by waterfront mansions buried deep within these estates. Very British, very British indeed

As we passed through the campus of UVIC (the University of Victoria) we stopped at a Starbucks for Kerry. Our next and last stop for the day was the local Costco, only a few miles from our campsite. After walking around the Costco to see what they had that was different compared to our own, we gassed up and headed back to our campsite. It was interesting when we got to the pumps. My Costco membership card is a Visa. They don't take Visa. But they do take any other major credit card. I had the technician help me because my Visa membership card was being rejected. Interesting experience.

Once back at our site we called Nancy, my sister in law, to let her know that we decided to head up to Nanaimo tomorrow. If I wasn't going to be feeling 100%, I wanted to get to our final destination ( phase) so I could spend the rest of our time on the island at my brothers house. In 3 days we had pretty much seen all we needed to see of Victoria.

By 4:30pm we were both napping…we slept until 5:30pm. Kerry made supper while I checked email and Facebook. Now, as the sun sets, we will go for one more long walk with Rosie before snuggling in for one more night of camping. 

Tomorrow we start phase 5...Nanaimo here we come.

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