Sunday, October 16, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 4

Sunday Oct 2

With alarm set for 6:00 am, we both woke up an hour early, anticipating our boat ride through the gulf islands. Our ship leaves at 8:30 am and since we had reservations, we didn't have to be in line at the terminal until 8:00. 

Once the alarm rang, we slumbered for an additional half hour before jumping up and getting into pack-it-all-up-and-lets-get-going mode. As we tried to leave the park, all of the exits were blocked. Looks like they were planning some sort of marathon event today and we were camping right in the middle of it. No worries, Kerry jumped out and moved the cones that were separating us from our journey…our freedom. 

The ride to Sidney, which is just north of Victoria was a beautiful 3 ½ hour cruise through some of the most beautiful scenic Gulf islands we have ever seen.  

This old rust bucket is a floating piece of junk…but I'm not complaining!

As we waited to board the ship we passed on buying coffee from the vending machine, deciding to wait for fresh brewed coffee on board. Wrong! The cafeteria on board is closed for renovations. Only other option was a vending machine on board. Wrong again! The one and only onboard vending machine is out of order. When I asked about it the crew member said, “Order a soda. There is plenty of caffeine in there!” Wrong answer!

As we arrived and departed our first stop, Friday Harbor, we settled in for the remaining 1 ¼ hours of our sea voyage. First order of business upon arrival in Canada…coffee!

Oh Canada, here we come. Our entry into my home land will be in the town of Sidney. Upon our arrival, clearing customs was quick and easy. After getting a much desired coffee at Starbucks in Sidney, we gps’d campgrounds and found one only 15 minutes from the Victoria Inner Harbor. Now we can begin on phase four…play time in Victoria.

We drove past my old apartment at Ogden Point, the port from which I used to sail. Other places visited included Beacon Hill Park, walked the inner harbor, headed up Government street and did a little shopping. we also did the photo op thing at the Empress and the government. Buildings. 

After an exhausting long day we decided to head back to the van, and head to our camp site. Oh, and one other thing…why don't people pick up after their dogs, especially the huge ones?

It was a rough day for both of us. By the time we reached our camp site I was feeling crappy...I didn't let it slow me down. Kerry was also feeling very tired. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.

As soon as we got back to our camp site we took a nap, one that pretty much lasted until 6:00 am the next morning. Yupp  that was one long day.

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