Thursday, October 20, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 8

Thursday Oct 6

Feeling utterly exhausted from my lack of sleep I parked myself on the couch in the living room and pretty much stayed there the entire day. Later on in the day, around lunch time, Kerry and I headed into town to explore the waterfront area. 

We passed a little food place right on the dock called Trollers Fish and Chips. Every time we visited Nanaimo in the past this place had been closed. Today it was open and better still, they were pet friendly. We enjoyed a great serving of fish and chips while chatting with locals and tourists alike. 

After a little more walking we came upon the local casino. While I drank a coffee, Kerry played a penny machine, which had no problem relieving Kerry of her five dollar bill in literally minutes.

Time to head home, put the feet up and take a well deserved nap. We spent a quiet evening just sitting around basking in conversation and quality family time.

 I actually slept very well tonight, getting a solid 5 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep.

Dryden was ready for bed also. Rosie exhausted him.

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