Monday, October 24, 2016

Oregon Coast to Canada...and back - Day 12

Monday Oct 10

Happy Thanksgiving Canada...

Today we depart we are homeward bound. Kerry drove the first shift as I had little to no sleep last night. I'll sleep on the ferry ride back to Anacortes Washington, in the good old U.S. of A. 

After we loaded up the last of our stuff, we exchanged hugs and kisses. As we pulled out of the drive way we looked back to see Nancy with a big smile on her face and in the living room window I could see David, with coffee in hand, waiving goodbye. He loves his little brother.

We left my brothers house at 8:00am and drove south to Victoria and up from there to Sidney, passing some beautiful pumpkin patches along the way.  Soon we would catch the ferry to Anacortes Washington. We arrived at the ferry terminal  by 10:00am and quickly cleared customs. Now we sit and wait. For me, it was nap time.

Can you spot Kerry? 

How about now?

Okay, how about now?

Waiting next to us was a huge 9 ton off-road RV. This guy and his family were spending a couple of years on a round-the-world expedition. They began their trip in Germany, crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner to Halifax. They drove over 4000 miles crossing Canada, Their next stop would be Seattle followed by a drive south to Argentina. From there they board a ship to Indonesia, India, Africa, Asia, and finally back into Europe, ending  their odyssey Germany.

Finally it was time to board. 


As we drove onto the car deck, we were pleased to see that we were first in our lane. We were guided to a parking spot overlooking the aft car ramp with a beautiful water view for the entire 3 hour sailing. We curled up in the back of the van and snoozed all the way to Anacortes, right there within the sights and sounds of the churning sea. First class.

Once we got off the ferry, I took over the driving for a quick shift behind the wheel. Our destination would be somewhere south of Tacoma and by 6:00pm we were checked in to our hotel and enjoying happy hour at a Mexican bar across the street. We were in bed by 9:00pm watching brain dead TV as we slowly entered into that awesome dream world. Breakfast is served between 6:00 and 9:00am…see you then


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