Saturday, November 30, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 14

Saturday November 2
How time flies when you're having fun. This is, believe it or not, the end of our second week of vacation. And we still have a long way to go.
After a good night's sleep, Kerry and I sat in Mom's living room, enjoying our morning cup of coffee.  Within an hour of getting up, my brother David came down stairs to join us. After chatting for a half hour, we headed upstairs and took a seat at Dave's kitchen island and watched him make breakfast.  For the first time in almost a week, I actually had enough energy to take on the world, or at least Nanaimo.

After eating, we (Kerry, me, Dave and Nancy) headed downstairs. Nancy brought out boxes of pictures and albums that belonged to my mom. Sorting through them I had the pleasure of going through and keeping any photo's that had a sentimental value to me. I ended up keeping a couple of albums and a few dozen loose pictures.  This was one of the reasons for my trip. After Mom passed away, this was the first chance I had to get up here to do this. For the last 3 years Kerry and I were providing round-the-clock elder care for her mom and dad. That made getting away very complicated.

Now, for some lunch...Canadian style;

Kerry and I wanted to treat everyone to a traditional fish and chips meal. My brother Kevan joined us at the pub and together we all ate and drank and had a great time catching up. It was good to see Kevan again.

On the way back to Dave's place he asked us if we wanted to go and see some deer in one of the nearby neighborhoods. We said sure. Just as we turned down the street leading to where might see some deer, there was a buck standing there in the middle of the road.

Once back home we visited, ate and laughed. As the evening slowly faded into night, Kevan headed home and so did Shawn (he owns a house right next door to his mom and dad). Nancy, Dave, Kerry and myself finished off the day with the traditional Canadian evening cup of tea (something Kerry and I do every night at home). Then it was off to bed for another great night's sleep in Mom's old bedroom. It was a good nights sleep.

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