Monday, November 25, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 9

Monday October 28
As I jumped out of bed and prepared myself for the day, I found myself still amazed at how late we were sleeping in. The sun just comes up later in the day and as long as it is dark outside, it is difficult to swap the warmth of the bed for the chilly air that fills the room. But then again a nice mug of coffee teases me, forcing me to eventually step one foot out from beneath the covers, soon followed by the other one. This was the point that I referred to earlier as jumping out of was, in reality, a process.
The kids were where they should be, Daisy heading for school and Brandon slowly making his way downstairs. But something was a little different today. Brandon was moving a little slower. When we asked him if he was feeling okay, he said, "I'm fine, just tired." His mom informed us that she thought he was coming down with a cold. Grammy and Grampy would have to keep their distance from him, for a little while at least. We gave him lots of juice and before we knew it, he was off to school.
Kerry and I spent the day hanging around the house, watching the TV or surfing the internet. By noon we decided to take all three dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. Bowser was a handful. He wanted to go in any direction other than straight. Kerry handled Dakota and Rosie without problem. When we finally got back home we made a little lunch and ate it while talking about our plans for the next phase of our trip, a visit up to Canada to see my family. We planned on being in Nanaimo, British Columbia by October 31st, my brother Kevan's birthday. Yeah, I know, how weird it that to be born on Halloween? After lunch Kerry and I headed to Costco to stock up on seaweed and oranges.
Time seemed to fly by. The next thing I knew, the kids were coming home from school. When we checked on Brandon's condition, he said he didn't feel any better. According to him, he was feeling pretty much the same as he did in the morning. We gave him an orange and told him that the vitamin C was good for him. He ate the orange without question (something he doesn't usually do, according to his mom).
When we check Daisy to see how she was feeling, she said she was fine and had no issues. Good, then it probably isn't anything that we have to worry about.
As we finished supper, I sat back to relax. It was at that moment that I thought I noticed a slight tickle in the back of my throat. "I must be dry," I thought to myself while refilling my water bottle. It was probably nothing so I didn't bother saying anything to anyone. For the rest of the evening I was without tickle, that is until I went to bed. Then there it was again, irritating me just enough to be noticeable but not enough for me to start ringing the alarms. Just in case, I did go into the bathroom and mix a pouch of Emergen-C and drank t back. Ahhh, that was good.
As I returned to bed I told Kerry that I just took a dose of Emergen-C because of that stupid tickle. She thought it was a good (preventative) idea. We slept well. Kerry kept her distance, just in case.

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