Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 10

Tuesday October 29
As the morning arrived, and I did my ritual stretching before hitting the floor, I couldn't help notice that the stupid tickle was still there. Ahh, maybe it wasn't a tickle, but instead it was just my mouth telling me to get up and brush my teeth (morning mouth).
I headed into the bathroom and that was when I realized it wasn't morning mouth that was controlling me. I was feeling lousy and that could only mean one thing, I was coming down with a cold.

I had my flu shot a few weeks earlier but I wasn't prepared for this. Brandon was feeling like this yesterday so I would have to check upon him to see how he was doing. I got dressed and yes, I did brush my teeth. Making my way down stairs all I could think of was, "Why me?" and "Why now?" Ricky makes for a lousy patient!
Brandon was just getting up when my coffee and I found a corner to curl up in. "How are you feeling today," I eagerly inquired. "Not so hot," he replied. But there was a good sign, he was well enough to go to school so to me that meant I would remain mobile. It looked like I was a day behind him as far as the cold went which meant he would be my meter from which I would gauge how I will feel 24 hours into the future.  It was all very convenient.
I spent the rest of the day just sitting there, surfing the cable channels between my naps. This ended up being a quick day and non productive too. Kerry kept herself busy going shopping, walking the dogs and of course, taking care of her hubby. 
Imagine, it all started with a stupid little tickle in my throat.
When Brandon got home from school, he dropped his books by the door, went into the front living room and dropped onto the futon which was sitting there open, as if inviting him into an warm and cushy place. He would end up staying there for the next 24 hours. His today was going to be my tomorrow. Yikes!

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