Friday, November 22, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 6

Friday October 25

Today we had a plan, and that plan did not include sitting around the house all day; we could do that at home, anytime. After the grand kids took off for school, Kerry and I put on some warm clothes, jumped into the truck and headed north, to the Tacoma area. Our destination was going to be Point Defiance. When we were here two summers ago (in July), we were introduced to Point Defiance by Justin and the gang. Today we would return to the same spot, sort of.

As the GPS faithfully guided us to the park, we started looking for a parking spot. We found one immediately, as soon as we entered the property. Last time we were here we parked a lot closer to the beach. Today we would walk a greater distance (approx 2 miles). Along the way we discovered so many things to look at, including a beautiful flower garden. We also stumbled upon an Asian garden with amazing pathways  that led to meditation areas and secluded spots where one can partake in a little tai chi.

Finally, we found our way to the shore line and eagerly we followed the beach for another mile before realizing that if we didn't turn back soon, the rising tide could easily trap us. Now when I say beach, don't get me wrong, this isn't a nice sandy beach with soft rolling waves lapping at the shoreline. Instead, this is a beach with various sized rocks where the sand should be. They range in size from huge boulders all the way down to tiny pebbles. Then of course there are hundreds of beached logs scattered all over the place, completing the perfect picture of a Pacific Northwest beach. We had a great time, even though the wind was chilly.
As we slowly made our way back towards the truck, we stopped in at the gift shop/snack bar. There were tons of kids from a nearby high school hanging out having their lunch. Kerry came up with a  great idea. "Let's go and find somewhere to have some chowder," she suggested. It was genius.
On the way back to the truck, right there in front of us, was Anthony's sea food restaurant. It was perfect in every way. We were one of only a few people there as it was still early. We each ordered a bowl of chowder with a side of sour dough bread. AMAZING!
Not only did we have a great lunch, we also got to sit there watching the Sous Chef doing his prep for the day. We enjoyed the panoramic view out the window of the choppy water. There were plenty of ships, ferry's and pleasure craft going back and forth for the entire time we were there.
Finally we reached the truck, with full bellies and fond memories of Point Defiance.  Driving around the local neighborhood, I was reminded of a southern California beach town. It was a very cute (and expensive) village.

As we made our way towards the downtown area of Tacoma, we decided to meander along the shore line. This took us through the shipping yards. It all seemed so right. We were both rubber necking, trying to take it all in.  Along the way we passed a micro brewery and upon seeing the sign, Kerry said, "I would love a mug of local beer." I made a u-turn and pulled in to the parking lot.
We were shown to a booth right by a window facing the pier and the water beyond it. It was perfect. Since I don't really drink, especially if I am driving, I decided to order, you guessed it...a bowl of clam chowder.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to compare their chowder with Anthony's. I didn't feel comfortable not ordering anything while Kerry sipped on her beer.

Kerry's beer came first, making me wait for an additional 5 minutes before my soup was delivered to the table. Oh boy Oh Boy, this was going to be good. It took a long time for it to arrive so it must have been freshly I thought.
Kerry watched as I took my first taste. My eyes were closed with anticipation. The spoon scooped its max capacity and I gently blew, as not to burn my tongue. The smell was inviting. I closed my mouth around the spoon and delivered its load.

My closed eyes quickly opened, surprised and what I was tasting. Three things immediately came to mind. First, it was the saltiest thing I had ever eaten. Second, it was cold and third, this was the WORST chowder I ever had in my life, never mind comparing it to the Anthony's experience an hour earlier. Kerry took a small taste and it almost looked like she wanted to spit it out. I wish I had.

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