Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 11

Wednesday October 30

This morning the only thing I could focus on was how Brandon was doing. He was my "Sick" meter'... what he was feeling today would most likely be a pretty clear picture of what I can expect tomorrow.

Last night when Brandon got home from school he plopped down on the futon and that was where he stayed. When I crawled out of bed and dragged my sorry butt downstairs, Brandon was still where we left him, on that futon.  Brandon was not going anywhere today. Today would be a sick day for him, and me as well.

Steph went immediately into the kitchen when she got home from taking Daisy to school. "I'm going to make some chicken soup for you boys." she boasted while starting to gather all of the ingredients. I tell you, chicken soup never sounded so good.

I couldn't believe it; here I was, visiting family  in the Pacific Northwest and what do I do? I catch a cold. This was not the way I wanted to spend my time, curled up in a blanket, watching brain dead TV, while napping on and off all day. But, the way I was feeling today, that was all I could manage to do.
Somehow, Brandon and I survived the day. Our bowls of soup helped as well. The scary thing for me was to know that Brandon was feeling today what I would be feeling tomorrow. I loaded myself up with vitamins and used the Neti Pot frequently. 

Today, as per our planned schedule was to be out travel day to Nanaimo, where my two brother's live. We were to stay with David and Nancy and spend as much time as we could with my nephew Shawn. My other brother Kevan would stop by daily.  I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere today and as far as tomorrow goes, judging by Brandon's condition, tomorrow would be more of the same (maybe worse).  My 5 days on Vancouver Island were now 4 or maybe even less.

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