Saturday, November 23, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 7

Saturday October 26

This was a day to remember. Brandon has his final football game for the season with his team, The Lancers. We all bundled into their family van, with snacks, waters and warm blankets. It was pretty cool outside, but thankfully, no rain. 

I was new to this middle school football stuff...the rules were somewhat modified, and I guess I can see why. The Lancers started out giving up a few touchdowns to the other guys (Booooo). Then, out of nowhere, the Lancers came back with an interception, one of many and by the time the game was over, Brandon shared in the Lancers victory...a nice way to end the season. I really wanted to jump up and do a victory lap, but I decided against it. Even Daisy was yelling (sort of) for the Lancers.

A couple of days ago Brandon commented to me that he didn't have a nick name. I asked him if he would like one and he didn't know how to reply. I told him that I thought the name Gator would work, as it suited his personality (he likes to sit back and observe, but when needed, he can snap into action and take care of business). I even created a greeting hand motion, which was basically taking your 2 arms, outstretched and mimicking an alligator's jaw movement with them. He laughed and for the rest of the day I would only refer to him as Gator.

Well, during the football game I would stand and yell, "Way to go Gator." I was keeping up with all of the other parents in the stands. At one point, Brandon actually heard me and turned only to see me standing there with my arms outstretched, doing the Gator thing. He quickly turned back, trying to avoid the embarrassment.  Hey, isn't that what grandparents are supposed to do?

One thing I remember most about the game was how the family and friends of one team sit on one side of the field and the family and friends of the other team sit on the opposite side of the field. Eventually I realized that this was probably a real good idea. There were some very "involved" parents on both sides who, to me, looked like the wanted to hit something (or someone) every time their kids team had a call (or flag) against them. They were actually more entertaining to watch then the game at times.

After the game we headed back home, to celebrate and share in the moment. It was glorious, especially for Kerry and me since we were new to all this school activity stuff.  For Steph, this is simply the routine of being a school mom (chauffer, cook, counselor,  confidant and friend).  Gator (Brandon) was invited to sleep over at a friend's with other football team mates.  It was a day to remember.

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