Thursday, November 21, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 5

Thursday, October 24th;                                                                                                              
Today started with Kerry and I being up before the kids. Even Steph was sleeping in. I asked Kerry how that mattress cushion I created for her from that comforter worked and she said that she had a much better night's sleep. I was pleased.

Our making coffee woke Steph up and within minutes, she was scrambling into Mother-getting-the-kids-ready-for-school mode. We remember those days, only twenty something years ago, when Kerry and I were doing the same. In some ways we miss those days and in other ways, we feel like we have paid our dues and the relaxation of retirement is our well-earned rewards. We smiled as we sipped our coffees, watching the organized chaos of the week day morning routines.

When Daisy got up her energy was contagious. She got herself dressed then grabbed a bite to eat while running back upstairs to fix her hair while doing five other things all at the same time. It was exhausting to watch. After she was taken to school Brandon slowly made his way down stairs. His morning ritual was a lot more sedate. He simply did what he needed to do, in a calm, controlled manner.

This is why we were here. God wanted us to share these precious morning moments with Justin's family and we were doing just that; savoring each and every moment. How precious are the youth? We were being blessed in so many ways.

The day was like any other for the family, except that their Grammy and Grampy were there. When Daisy finally had her days responsibilities behind her she sat with us and shared wonderful things with us, like her gymnastics, her school day, her looking forward to Halloween and yes, let's not forget her boyfriend Luke (who I like to call Floyd...inside joke).

While enjoying this time together I noticed her finger nails were all done up for the upcoming Halloween celebration. I told her I loved the skull she had on her fingernails and I asked her if she would do that for me. She looked at me, somewhat puzzled and replied, "Really?" I said, "Yupp." and with that she took off upstairs to get her tools (white polish, black polish and some clear coat).

She sat next to me taking my left arm and tucking it under hers. My hand was in position. She asked me which finger I wanted or if I wanted them all done. I suggested that we just do my pinky. She began her work, while continuously apologizing for the poor quality of her workmanship. I assured her that she was doing a great job and I made sure she knew how impressed I was. Kerry watched while asking if she could be next. Daisy was glowing.
After she put on the first coat of white, she gave it time to set while she did the same to Kerry. A few minutes later a second coat was applied. Once that was dried, she used a very fine brush and started painting on the details with the back (2 dots for the eyes, one dot for the nose and a few  small lines for the teeth). Now, all we needed to do was wait for it to dry before applying the clear coat, a protective layer that would help the artwork last.
Kerry and I were pleased with our nails and Daisy beamed with pride. Brandon thought it was all just too weird. 
It was now time for the regular 9pm Skype with Justin in Qatar. Right on schedule that laptop came alive. We all enjoyed those few cherished moments. I even got to show off my left hand pinky finger and the design his daughter created for me.
It wasn't long after the call ended that Kerry and I decided to call it a day. Tomorrow Kerry and I planned on getting out to see the area. Where exactly would we go, we weren't quite sure. That was the fun part about being on vacation, we could just get in the truck and head off, without knowing exactly where we were heading. Some destination would show always does.
As we surrendered to the night and the sleep awaiting we pondered quietly various destination options. We will figure it out tomorrow, for now (yawn) we say good night.

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