Friday, November 29, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 13

Friday November 1
Waking up at around 5:30am, it was still pretty dark outside. I was expecting to feel crummy when I got up but instead, I actually felt pretty good, considering I had been down and out for the past few days. I think we just might be back on track with our plans.
As I got out of bed I was glad that I took the extra effort and time last night to pack our suitcases. They were waiting by the door. I also loaded up Rosie's mobile condo on the back seat so it would be a simple matter of just putting her on her bed in the truck and start heading north.
A couple of days earlier I had prepared a couple of cups of decaf coffee for me (I don't do caffeine). They were in the fridge waiting. I just needed to fill my travel mug with ice and I was good to go. I love sipping on iced coffee when I drive long distances. With quick hugs to Steph and the kids, we pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the base exit. Within 10 minutes we entered highway 5, our road to my homeland.
By the time we hit Seattle the sun was just trying to come up. Traffic was thick but steadily flowing in the right direction. We kept rolling and before we knew it, we were at the border crossing. The border agent smiled and asked us a few simple questions before finally asking us to roll down our back window (they have a heavy tint). When I did, Rosie's head popped up and glared at the agent. He asked if the dog was ours and of course I said yes (I so much wanted to say no, we just picked her up hitch hiking a few miles back...but I know better than to mess with these guys). He also asked if the truck was ours and when the last time I was in Canada. I knew he already knew those answers so I just smiled and played along..."Yes sir, the truck is mine and it must have been either 2 or 3 years since I was up this way." With that said, he waived us through.
Oh Canada, Our Home and Native Land...It was good to be on Canadian soil again. We had less than 45 minutes to catch the Nanaimo bound ferry at the  Tsawwassen ferry terminal. The GPS was working great and it was telling us that the turn off to the ferry teminal was just up ahead. Kerry said exit here but the GPS didn't agree. I had a split second to pick Kerry or a machine. I chose the machine...WRONG MOVE!
The GPS was right in that up ahead a 1/2 mile was a road that led to the terminal but what it didn't know was that the highway was under construction. Kerry, on the other hand was reading the road signs and one of them said for the Tsawwassen ferry terminal, turn HERE...DETOUR...Opps, me bad. We ended up going 5 miles down the road, out of the way, before we found a place to u-turn. l listened to Kerry as to where I needed to turn.

When we arrived at the terminal we drove right up to the booth and paid our fare. We were instructed to follow lane 19 and we did, directly onto the ship. It was as if she was waiting there for us. As soon as we parked, the ramp was lifted up and aft doors secured. We were now Nanaimo bound and for the next 2 hours we would be able to watch the scenic views pass buy as we grabbed a bite to eat in the restaurant. Later we sat by a window on one of the observation decks. It was all too beautiful. Just like I remembered it. There is no place like home.
When we were told it was time to return to our vehicle, we did. I even took Rosie for a little car deck stroll, but she preferred the warmth of her cushy bed. With GPS programmed with my brothers address, once we touched down in Nanaimo we headed up the Canada #19 highway, right into town. Within 20 minutes we pulled up in front of my brothers house, with him standing there to greet us.
We spent the rest of the day catching up, even though we just saw each other a few months earlier in Las Vegas.  David prepared a pasta dinner and once my nephew Shawn got home from work, we all sat down and enjoyed the food, the wine and of course each other.
When bedtime arrived we were taken to the down stairs apartment, the place where my mom spent her last years. Yes, Kerry and I were going to sleep in mom's old bedroom and have our morning coffee in her living room, prepared in her kitchen. Kinda weird...I miss Mom.

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