Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 4

Wednesday, October 23rd;                                                                                                              

Being our first full day in the Tacoma area, we had a busy day scheduled...doing nothing; and that is just what we did. With the sun rising later compared to back home in Tucson, we found ourselves slowly making our way downstairs at almost 8:00am. We are usually early birds, springing out of bed before 6. Kerry is the real early bird, usually up way before me.

Daisy was already on her way to school (with her mom driving her). Brandon starts much later. We got to visit with him a little while he ate his breakfast. The time came all to soon when he had to leave to catch his school bus. When Steph got home from driving Miss Daisy to school, she started planning the meals for the day.  As far as lunch goes, a sandwich would be fine. For dinner Steph planned a Shepherd's Pie casserole.

After school, when all of the kids post school obligations were complete (gymnastics for Daisy and Youth Club for Brandon) we sat as a family and enjoyed our meal, while watching a favorite TV show. After eating we did as most modern families do; placed our laptops in position. We were all busy checking e-mail or Facebook postings before getting a little Candy Crush time in. I was stuck on level 85 for a couple of weeks while Kerry and Steph were somewhere in the 100's. Steph was also stuck on her level and after trying a few more times she handed her PC to Brandon who within a few minutes mastered that annoying level, handing the laptop back to his mom where she could see the screen boasting, "Level Complete." A 12 year old has skills, far superior to ours, as far as gaming goes that is. Time passed quickly, yawns replaced smiles, PJ's replaced day-wear.
There was a laptop sitting on the arm of the couch, waiting patiently, but for what? Some brain dead show was softly glowing in the distance while Kerry and I looked at our family, and smiled. The clock was just passing the 9pm point when suddenly that laptop jumped to live. That familiar tune was coming in load and clear, the one the tells you someone is calling, on Skype. Steph dove for the laptop and positioned it so she could be the first to greet the caller. It was Justin, calling from the Middle East. Our 9pm was his 7am (the next day). He liked to start his work day with a coffee and a call to his family. We all squeezed around that tiny camera on top of that laptops screen. He was pleased to see his wife, he was overjoyed to see his children and he was relieved to see me and his mom. We all shared in conversation for 10 or 15 minutes, long enough to say what needed to be said and long enough to see what needed to be seen. Then the call ended.

Bowser still is not pleased with Rosie, but at least they can sit in a room together and not snarl. In order to feed Rosie, I need to hold her dish on my lap, with Rosie and hand feed her, one piece at a time. She seems to like that. Every now and then I toss a kibble to Bowser and Dakota. They peacefully sat by my feet, waiting. I think I have discovered a common ground - Purina!

We were ready for bed. When we got to our room Kerry told me that she didn't really sleep very well the previous night. She said she woke up with a sore back. I noticed on the floor, next to my side of the bed, there was a comforter. I pulled back the sheets off of her side of the bed and folded the comforter a number of times until it was just the right size. After placing it on Kerry's side of the bed I pulled the sheets back into place. This would make her side of the bed cushier. I would know for sure the next morning.

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