Sunday, December 1, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacifc Northwest...Day 15

Sunday November 3
Kerry and I both enjoyed a deep night sleep. We were made to feel right at home and why not? We were at home! After another hearty breakfast of coffee, toast and jam we planned out our day. Today we were going to go to a place called the Crow and Gate (not sure of the exact name) for lunch. It was about 30 minutes up island from their house and Dave and Nancy wanted us to experience not only the traditional British Pub food and drink, but to also see the landscaping. All of it was impressive.

I ordered the Plowman's Lunch (a typical pub lunch ordered by working farmers back in the U.K.). Dave and Nancy had the sausage and Kerry had the local soup ( a meaty veggie type of soup, thick and hearty).
After eating we walked around the grounds. It is amazing what one can grow when there is plenty of water about; everything was very lush and over grown. It was a great opportunity for a photo shoot.




After eating we headed to an indoor art fair near Nanaimo. We saw some great items and even picked up a few things for our friends back home who were looking after our house.
Right across the courtyard from the art fair was a public skating rink. I had to go in. Yes, we each posed standing on the ice, in street shoes. People were skating all over the place yet we avoided a collision (or fall). There is something about the atmosphere of being on ice that makes me feel all warm deep down inside...weird eh?

As we left I noticed that there were a couple of beautiful palm trees standing there. Being born and raised in Montreal, where the winters can get rather chilly, and EVERYTHING freezes for months at a time, I developed a palm tree fetish. So, of course we had to stop and take more photo's. Not too many Americans realize that there are palm trees flourishing in Canada. Here's the proof.

On the way home we stopped and picked up some Montreal Smoke Meat (the real thing folks). Kevan came by and joined us in eating these amazing sandwiches. YUMMY. Rosie had a little sample too. After dinner some friends came by to visit (Mike, Aura, her sister and her sisters husband). We sat around for a couple of hours talking, laughing, reminiscing.

Tomorrow we were heading back south to McChord and being our last night in Canada, we took our time going to bed. When the guest finally left, Dave and Nancy lingered while I repacked the truck. I had the truck-packing thing down by now so I made short work of it. Now for a quick cup of tea before heading to bed. Once my head hit the pillow, it was literally lights-out for Kerry and me.

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