Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in 2

Saturday, December  21.
We slept in until 8:00am, a luxury Kerry and I seem to enjoy while on vacation. The bed was comply and the blankets were warm, a combination not easily vacated. When we got down stairs the family was up, deep into video gaming. I watched for an hour before it was time to sit down to a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast. Yummy.

Kerry went grocery shopping with Kristin while Nick and I watched the kids. After the girls came home and unloaded bag after bag after bag.....we sat down for a quesadilla lunch. When I went out to help them unload, I was surprised at how warm It was. For some reason I was thinking it was going to be cooler. Here I was with sweaters packed and it turns out to be t-shirt weather ... For now anyways.

After our early afternoon nap time (yes! everyone went down for at least an hour) Kerry and I took Landon and Jared out for a neighborhood stroll. Very relaxing and extremely rural. Our exploration was very peaceful except for the horse sized dog that came out of nowhere and decided to follow us home. Can you say, "Cujo?"

At 4:00pm Kristin took Jared and Landon to a nearby Salvation Army bell ringing station at the local Super Walmart while Kerry and I took Nick shopping for his birthday gift (clothes). That was the plan...plans change.

Before the shopping could take place Nick got a call from Kristin. Her shift with the boys ringing the bells was over. We headed over and picked them up. Next stop was the Catfish House for an amazing family dinner. The Catfish House was great for taking fun photo's...


Back home by 8:00pm, it was time for jammie's and our ritual of relaxation with herbal tea. We started watching the old classic holiday movie "White Christmas" but only got halfway through it before my tired eyes begged me to take them to bed. I obeyed, Kerry followed. The pillows welcomed us warmly.

Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.

ANDRÉ MAUROIS, The Art of Living

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