Sunday, December 8, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 22

Sunday November 10

When we got up, John was already in the kitchen preparing a final pot of Steel Cut oats. He wanted us to leave with a rib sticking breakfast, and we did.

It wasn't even 6am yet and we were fed, loaded and wheels rolling. As we drove down the road, the one that leads towards  highway 5 south, we had to proceed slowly; the fog was heavy and soupy think. Visibility was limited. The head lights weren't much help, nor was the predawn darkness.

Within 20 minutes we arrived at the Costco. It was just after 6:00am now and as we pulled in, we knew we were the first customers for the day. Now not only were our bellies full, our gas tank was as well. In less than 3 hours we were already in California, approaching the city of Redding. 

Do you remember in one of my earlier postings, when we were passing Redding on our way north? I mentioned that we thought about stopping to visit cousins Adrienne and Nick. Sadly we didn't have the time to stop and on the way home we were equally pressed for time. More about Nick and Adrienne in my Blog ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest summary posting.

Instead of veering off onto the 99 South, and spending the night in Bakersfield, we decided to go along with the GPS and stay on highway 5, all the way up onto the Grapevine. As we crossed the summit, the GPS had us veer to the left onto highway 21o which, like on our way north, kept us away from the cities of Los Angeles and Riverside.
Kerry and I took turns this time behind the wheel, unlike our north bound journey where I did all of the driving. I liked the rest between shifts at the wheel. We were finally coming up onto Pasadena and as we approached the city limits, Kerry used the GPS to find a dog friendly motel. There weren't any. We decided to stop at a Super 8, one that the GPS suggested only a few miles up ahead. By now we were approaching our 10th hour and the tiresome hum of the tires beneath us was taking their toll.

As I checked in, the staff was extremely helpful and met all of my request without hesitation, especially my wanting to park near my room. They gave me a ground floor room at a discount. I noticed a sign that stated, "No Pets" which continued to warn that anyone who brings a dog or cat into a room will be charged an extra $200.00. I made sure they knew about Rosie and that I was planning on keeping her in the truck overnight (thus, my reason for wanting to park near my room). They were very compliant.
After we checked in, we took Rosie for a long walk. Along the way we came upon a Subway shop and as Kerry went in to order a to-go sandwich I stayed with Rosie outside.
Kerry and I, once back at the Super 8, tucked Rosie in (in the back of the truck) then went into our room, got comphy and ate our sandwich while watching a little CNN. We slept well (although I kept one ear open for Rosie, just in case she needed help). 

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