Friday, December 6, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 20

Friday November 8

Now that the party was over it was time to have a Kerry and Ricky day. This would be a day when we got to do what we wanted. The only thing we had planned on doing was having dinner and Jodi's house. We were looking forward to that. Timo was doing his Mexican style BBQ and from what I remember, it was going to be amazing.

While slowly getting ready for the day, I started scanning the internet for homes in areas that were of interest to us. I found two, one in Ashland and one in a small town called Jacksonville. Kerry and I would do a drive by today, just to see what was out there as far as real estate inventory goes. Judith was setting up a few places we could go into on Saturday, beginning in Ashland at noon.
Kerry and I loaded Rosie into the car and headed for Ashland. We plugged the address we found online into the GPS and before long, we were pulling up in front of this beautiful home, on a steep hill, just above the University. We know that University neighborhoods hold their real estate value and are usually ahead of the curve as far as value growth goes. This was an impressive house, but slightly over priced for what we were willing to pay. As we peeked around, a neighbor across the street, doing some yard work, kept an eye on us the entire time. I waved to him as we drove off. He smiled and waved back.

John and June were trying to talk us out of Ashland because of the old hippy population that lives there. They also pointed out that this was a town full of Liberals. Hmmm, couldn't see a problem with that! There was an invasion of tourist in the summer time and that could  be an issue.
On the way back towards John's we GPS'd the address to the house in Jacksonville. What a quaint little town (population 2800). As we pulled up we saw an agent entering the house with a couple. We sat in the car and admired the curb appeal. We drove around Jacksonville to get a feel for this historical town
This house was just a couple of blocks from their down town business district. Calling the name on the realtor sign we ended up speaking with the husband of the husband and wife sales team. He said that his wife could meet us there in 30 minutes. We said that would be fine. We drove back to the house and were glad to see that the other couple had left, leaving us the freedom to peek around over fences and into windows.

Right on time the realtor showed up and the first thing she asked was if we had an agent.  We said we did and with a disappointed tone she still agreed to show us around inside. I will go more into what we saw in my Saturday blog. All I will say here is what we saw, we liked (very much).
As we left we told the agent that we wanted to come back with Kerry's brother, so we can see the place through a contractors eye. She agreed with the plan and suggested that we coordinate it with Judith (our agent in Medford). Done.

We gave a call to Judith and asked if she could add the Jacksonville house to our tour scheduled for Saturday. She agreed. Now it was time to head back home to get cleaned up for tonight's dinner with Jodi and her clan.

We arrived at Jodi's house at 5pm with our appetites. Timo served us a beautifully cooked Carne Asada with all the trimmings. We ate well. Jodi and her family made us feel right at home, like it had only been a day since we last saw each other. Wait a minute, it was only a day since we last saw them.

Jodi asked us if we were really considering moving there. We replied that we didn't know. We added that we were simply looking around to see what was available. We even suggested that if we found a cute place, one that we could lock up and leave for a long period of time we might consider spending our summers in Oregon, keeping a townhouse in Tucson for our winters. Jodi was excited by the possibility.

After getting back to John's, we had our regular bedtime cup of tea before heading to the RV for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a really busy day.

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