Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 17

Tuesday November 5
It seemed like only a few days ago we were getting up early and hitting the road, leaving McChord (and fond memories) behind. Wait a minute...it was only a few days ago, but this time when we reached highway 5 we would be turning south towards Oregon instead of north, towards Canada.
This was an easy 7 hour shift with a few stops along the way (Starbucks, Costco for gas, rest stops, etc.). When we finally arrived at Johns house in Eagle Point, it was like we had never left. We settled in to the RV quickly and started making plans for our time there.

Being on the road for 7 hours and taking our time getting to John's, by the time we arrived, we were tired, hungry and really didn't care about doing much, other than visit for awhile before turning in for the night. Even Rosie was ready to not be in the truck...

Before we headed to the RV, Heston, June's son, came in to say hi. We didn't get to see him on our way through here on our northbound portion of the road trip. It was good seeing him.

Finally, when Kerry and I were all tucked in nice and cozy, we turned out the light in the RV bedroom. All I could remember as I fell peacefully asleep was how dark it was in there. I mean it was so dark, I couldn't see the tip of my nose. Scary dark!

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