Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas in Alabama...day 3

Sunday December 22.  

We woke up with a plan. Today was going to be a busy day...sort of.
After cleaning up and getting dressed, Kerry and I enjoyed an easy breakfast of Kristin's homemade carrot and zucchini loaf. Oh my gosh!

After eating we took our time loading up the van. We were off to church.

Instead of doing the usual Sunday church routine, we were going to just go to Nick and Kristin's adult bible study class while the kids went to their Sunday school classes. We would be going to the worship center later on this evening. Nick and Kristin started going to the First Baptist Church of Prattville a couple of years ago and already they are extremely well plugged it. Everybody knew their names and greeted us openly, warmly and lovingly. We were made to feel right at home. The bible class was well taught and Kerry and I were proud of Nicholas' open participation in the debate.

After picking up the grandkids from their prospective classrooms, we headed to El Patron Mexican Grill to complete the Sunday morning ritual of eating Mexican food after church. We ate well, we ate plenty, we ate too much. Nap time.




I must have been really tired (and full) because my nap lasted over 2 hours. It was sweet! Ah, retirement is good! We spent the rest of the day relaxing. Soon, the time came when we had to load up the van once again and head back to First Baptist for a Christmas Carol celebration.

It rained constantly today but the temps remained high. We even had a warning of possible tornadoes in the area. Tornadoes? Really?

Within minutes of arriving home, the grandkids were in bed.  We quickly changed into our pj's. Now was the time for sipping our Sleepy Time tea as we reflected on the events of the day. The rain still danced upon the roof over head. It was all too relaxing.

We closed off the day (or should I say evening) by watching the last half of "White Christmas." Tomorrow was patiently waiting for us as we closed our eyes for the night.

A family in harmony will prosper in everything.
                                                                                                CHINESE PROVERB

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