Thursday, December 5, 2013

ROAD TRIP to the Pacific Northwest...Day 19

Thursday November 7

After waking to some of John's awesome Steel Cut oats, we had one more coffee before John gave us a private tour of Medford. We drove pass the old mill (previously owned by Junes folks) and then we stopped by at a building site where a friend of John's was building a house. I really liked the floor plan...only problem was that  it was on a regular city block with no views other than the houses across the street. This started me thinking about the possibility of simply buying a lot and building a custom house, one that Kerry and I could design...Kerry's dream house.

After John picked up some salmon, and other party supplies we headed back home to prep for the festivities. John was going to BBQ the salmon, a favorite dish enjoyed by many.

The party was fun. Cousins, nephews, nieces and friends joined in to celebrate June's 60th. I enjoyed the hugs from the younger family members as they shouted, "Hey, Uncle R Dude." For years that was their name for me. I like it. Watching John and Timo get whipped cream mustaches was hilarious. When I was asked if I wanted one too, I passed. I am not into having whipped cream up my nose.

As the party slowly came to an end, and the last guest made their way to their car, John, June, Kerry and me sat back to bask in the afterglow of a wonderful evening. We were surrounded by family the entire evening. The thought of what it would be like living here was lingering in the back of our minds. Instead of being a thought of "What if," the concept of moving from Tucson was becoming more of a "Why Not?"
We had so much to consider before making a decision one way or another. Most importantly, we decided to leave it up to God and see what he puts before us. Surely, if He wants this for us, there is a bigger purpose, one beyond what we could comprehend. Plus, if it was our destiny, then something would be put in our path, something we could not walk around, but instead, stop, study and ponder.

I wonder why I laughed as I fell asleep...

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