Sunday, April 29, 2012

Healing Praise - Pray it Forward

Healing Praise – Pray it Forward

Usually when Red (Kerry’s dad) sees the vampires this usually means he had some blood drawn for an upcoming doctor’s appointment. This week was going to be different. On Wednesday, Red came up to us and told us he was having some tummy discomfort. We jumped into action trying to determine what the cause was.

He said that he felt constipated and for the rest of the day we tried everything we could to help him feel better (to get things moving). The next morning (Thursday) when he came into the kitchen, we could tell by the look on his face that he had a sleepless night. A call was placed to his primary care physician and it was suggested that we get him over to the E.R. It was going to end up being an all day event.

Kerry’s sister, Tina, took Red to the hospital and together they dealt with all that the E.R. had to give. A blood test was ordered as well as a cat scan. When all the data started coming in from the various tests, the news ended up being better than expected. There was no blockage in his intestines (an intestinal blockage can be a serious issue). They did give Red some morphine to help with the discomfort and that seemed to help him relax. They also determined that his anemia was something that needed to be addressed. They gave him a unit of blood.

When Red came home, after a long day at the hospital, he had that glow back on his cheeks. He was feeling a thousand times better and as we left for San Diego the following day (Friday) Red was still doing great. Saturday, when we called to see how everyone in Tucson was doing, we were told that all was well.

                                               ...Please donate blood and save a life...

Here is my prayer;

O Father and Holy Spirit, please hear my prayer. There are so many people who are caring for their elderly loved ones. Please give these caregivers strength, insight and patience. Our aging loved ones may sometimes feel lost, and trapped within their broken bodies. Please allow us to be their light, to illuminate their path throughout their final journey. Generous Father, I pray that you overflow the cups of those we care for so that their remaining days are joyful ones. I ask that you strengthen and bless the family as they surround their aging loved one. May the family spiritual bond grow stronger. Our Father, I also give you praise for the healing we see in those we love. We look forward to the ultimate healing, when we come to Your home, our heavenly reward. For all of these things I pray, in your son’s name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Pull My Leg - Pull My Tooth...

Don’t Pull My Leg – Pull My Tooth…
Everything that can go wrong usually does so on a Friday afternoon, when the repair fees are usually double. I remember losing a filling on a Friday evening, forcing me to go 2 days before seeing the dentist. It was a long weekend. That seems to be nature’s way.
This week it was different. Thank God.
Kerry’s sister Tina arrived yesterday to spend a couple of weeks with us and to give us a much needed break from the daily routines of caring for their parents. Tina is seeing firsthand what our daily life is like. This is her second time doing this and we are already planning on another visit in September, when Kerry and I will take a 2 week vacation.
Well, last night Kerry’s dad started complaining about a toothache. When offering him options all he wanted was some instant relieve from the ache. After a quick trip to CVS he was rubbing Anbesol on his toothache; the short term relief came quickly. After a restless night he informed us that the ache was still there. When I called his dentist first thing this morning, they were able to fit him in right away. They pulled the tooth. An hour later he was back at home, without the toothache; without the tooth. Thank God this wasn’t a Friday afternoon event. He would have been miserable.
I reflected with Red (Kerry's dad) on how interesting life must have been in the days of the old west, when dentists did their thing, without novacaine; just grab on to the tooth and pull…Now that’s got to hurt.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Food 4 Thought . . .

Food 4 Thought . . .

When looking at ways to have fun, the options for Red (Kerry’s dad) are limited. Then it dawned on me. “Hey Red, feel like making a trip to Costco this morning?” His reply was immediate and with conviction, “Yes!”
Once I got back from the gym and quickly changed into clean clothes. Red was waiting, excited about getting out of the house, even though it was only a shopping trip.
His spirit was up as well as his energy level. Once we arrived, he had his list and I had mine. I ran around loading up on needed items and he did the same. Finally I went looking for him. There he was, standing in the pharmacy area, trying to punch numbers into his cell phone. I knew he was trying to call me. I walked up behind him, tempted to wait for my cell phone to ring. It would have been funny to have him call me and ask me where I was only for me to reply, “Standing 5 feet behind you.” But I just walked up to him and asked him how he was doing.  He was pleased with his accomplishments. Together we headed to the meat department to explore the enormous varieties available (one of Red’s favorite things to do).
Within an hour, we both were getting tired and began working our way to the cashier. We didn’t have to wait in a line as there were several empty cashier stations. On the way home, we laughed and joked and I got to share in the moment…the moment that was Red’s joy. I smiled as I contemplated; I praised God.
I pondered at how much we have available to us, compared to what I saw in Senegal last year. How would those I met in Africa react to a place such as this? To learn more about my mission trip, please read my daily journal at

Thanks Costco . . .

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Prayer for Aging Parents...

A Prayer for Aging Parents…
It was a great week with little or no bumps in the road. Kerry’s sister Tina is coming to spend a couple of weeks with us (arriving Tuesday). That means we get to take a break from our daily routines. Tina will also take over the cooking. At some point Kerry and I will head over to San Diego to dip our toes into the Pacific ocean as well as have a lunch at Point Loma Seafood (a must for anyone who loves squid sandwiches).

Kerry strained the muscles in her lower back while working (leaning over patients beds for years can takes its toll on the back). The doctor put her on light duty for two weeks. Of course we pray for her quick and complete recovery.
So, as this week comes to an end, we continue to count our blessings for the gift we have of watching over our aging parents. Here is my prayer for them;
Blessed Breath of God, of Life, breathe through me now. In this moment, I feel the sweet and merciful fullness of God in me. I have the wisdom, grace and love of God filling my soul.

Precious God, as I watch Kerry’s aging parents change and move through the cycles of life, I am filled with emotion. Help me to be a patient and loving care giver in this experience. Show me how to honor my feelings and how to be aware of all the lessons and gifts you have for me in this experience.

Kerry and I appreciate her parents and all that they have brought to our life. I feel the early taste of grief as I realize their mortality….and my own. Fill me with respect, a big heart and a giving spirit, Lord. Help me to know the right things to do in each situation; may I always be a Light to them as their journey continues.

Prepare me Lord, for what lies ahead. Only you know the richness of our journey, God. In our Oneness, I know you light the way for them and for me. May sweet and merciful angels be with our family throughout all of our days. I give thanks for the many gifts I have already received in this family and the gifts in the days to come.
All is well and God is good. Amen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a Day...Praise God

What a Day – Praise God

Last week, Kerry hurt her back at work (pulled muscle).  They have her on light duty and physical therapy. We will know more about her situation by the end of the week.

Kerry’s mom is the same as always, and with that, no news is good news. She still gets around and does her routines and seems to be enjoying her days, her activities, and her meals.

Kerry’s dad had an appointment today with his oncologist. He went in last Friday to visit the vampires (blood work) and the results were in the doctor’s hands as we arrived. We didn’t know what to expect. There were some levels that merit keeping an eye on but the most significant result was his PSA – his numbers were stable. They were only up by 6 points from his last test. The doctor considers that as a “No Change” level. That is a good thing. So far, every time we had his PSA’s checked, the numbers doubled. That rapid increase was a concern. With today’s results, Red (Kerry’s dad) walked out of there with a skip in his step and a whistle in his song.

To celebrate, we did one of Red’s favorite things…we went walking through the local Asian supermarket. We bought squid, rice, mung beans, pork dumplings, and a few other weird items. Red was having a good time. After lunch, he and Chris (Kerry’s mom) rested for the rest of the day. Red does have those annoying aches and pains that seem to be his constant companion. A long soak in the tub helped him relax. I ache too; must be an aging thing.

Now that dinner is done (Mexican night) they are in their apartment waiting patiently for the results show for The Voice and Dancing With the Stars. We will all sleep well tonight.

What a day…praise God.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Elderly Around the World

The Elderly Around the World

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses….
Hebrews 12:1

This week I am thanking the Lord for elderly believers, whose lives testify to the faithfulness of God, every single day, no matter what. To be able to come to the end of your life, still trusting and giving glory to God, in spite of hardship, abuse, poverty, hunger, death of a child, chronic pain or any other combination of hurt from the reservoir of suffering in this world–that gives me the courage to go on. I am also praying for those who are living the end of their lives alone. Without God. Without family. Without the Body of Christ.

I live in a part of the country with many retirees. Attending a church service filled with elderly brothers and sisters is an awesome experience to me. As I listen to them share their stories and hear them join in worship, I am deeply moved in realizing that together and cumulatively they stand as a testament to thousands of years of God’s faithfulness. Every day. No matter what.

Kerry’s mom and dad are what you would consider “Shut-Ins.” We do have trips to the doctors multiple times a week for her dad (bi-monthly for her mom). Kerry’s dad also enjoys trips to Costco, even though it does wipe him out. That is the extent of their getting out and about; they are not getting around very much these days. With their limited energy levels, their spiritual strength remains impressive. When Kerry’s dad told me a few days ago that he had trouble sleeping I asked him what he did about it. “Oh, I just lay there speaking with God,” was his reply. Good Answer!

Here is my prayer for all of the elderly around the world;

Thank you, Lord, for the elderly whose lives complement the lives and stories in Hebrews 11–examples of faith in spite of everything. They stand as witnesses to me, that even if You never make my life any easier, that even if it gets harder–harder than I want to imagine–that I can trust You and fix my eyes on You. Thank You for how these sisters and brothers live out Your joy in suffering and Your hope in times of regret and despair.

I also pray for the elderly who have come to their final years, and after everything has been said and done, are faced with emptiness and meaninglessness–lives lived without You in the picture. God, I pray that in their sadness in looking back and fear in looking forward, that they would find You and know Your peace.

I pray for the elderly who are living out the end of their lives in poverty, abandonment, confusion and pain. Without You and without Your body being the hands and feet of Your love to them.

God, help me not to forget the elderly. Do not let my family be mindless and careless in ignoring the gifts and the needs of those who are older than us. Show me how to make a difference in the lives of lonely and suffering senior citizens in my community. And all together His people said, "Amen"

Friday, April 13, 2012

It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

It’s a wonderful day in the Neighborhood

Various reasons why today is going to be an awesome day (so far)

·         It’s Friday (Yahoo)
·         Everyone woke up today feeling pretty good (A blessing indeed)
·         The weather couldn’t be more perfect (Spring has sprung)
·         Kerry will be off work for the entire weekend (Rare these days)
·         The economy is getting stronger each day (Jobless #’s going down/Dow going up)
·         North Korea’s rocket launch “FAILED” (Snickering allowed)
·         God is good (All the Time)
·         All the time (God is Good

Need I say more?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Debris in the Pool

Debris in the Pool

Up to now this BLOG has been about living with the aged. But there is so much more to share. So, moving forward I will just BLOG about the day to day life of Richard (what I like, dislike, see and feel). Today will be that first day of "Change" and I hope you find it interesting (and entertaining).

All winter long my pool has been sitting there, dormant, waiting patiently for life to return to its depths. The chemicals have been balanced and as of last week, our pool has returned to a life of bringing joy to those who dare swim within her. Yes, the temp is still a little too low for Kerry and me (72 degrees F)-we prefer to wait until the water temp is in the high 80's. Last week when Justin and his family were here, cold water or not, they didn't care.

We spent extra time cleaning up all of the stuff floating in the water, cleaned filters and backwashed the system to insure everything was pristine, and it was.

Why is it that you can go an entire winter with little debris being blown into the pool, but once the cover is removed and everything is sparkling, the "BIG" winds come up and blow all kinds of stuff into the water?

And to add to the mess, the flowers from all of the Palo Verde have flown everywhere - but they sure are pretty.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Good Morning to You...

Good Morning to You…

On mornings when Kerry’s dad wakes up not feeling so great, he fumbles around, somewhat lost in a daze. It takes a long time for the “fog” to lift and until it does, he needs some extra help getting things done. That’s my job!

Then there are the good days; those days when he wakes up singing…

Good morning to you
Good morning to you
We're all in our places
With bright shiny faces
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
It's a wonderful way
To start a new day
Good morning to you

Today I was in the other end of the house and I heard Red calling out. Usually this means that there is something wrong so I rushed down to Reds apartment only to find out what I was hearing was his morning song. Today was going to be a good day.

Last Friday we went to his dermatologist for his usual Light Box (ultra violet) and Laser treatments. As mentioned in an earlier posting (A Day in the Life of Richard - March 20th) he gets these treatments every Tuesday and Friday. They take a lot out of him. Due to his prostate cancer progression, his oncologist called his dermatologist and discussed the necessity of putting Red through all of these extra treatments. Red hates going twice a week to the dermatologist. He feels fried for the rest of the day when he gets those laser and light box treatments.

When we spoke with his dermatologist on Friday it was explained that the light box treatment requires 3 treatments per week to be effective. Red said, “Well that’s not going to happen!”  He somehow negotiated his treatments down to once a week, on Fridays. The laser will be used during the same weekly visit to provide the extra punch that his skin cancer needs.

I recommended that we do whatever he wants, as long as he is comfortable. His biggest issue with his skin condition is the itching at night. With his treatments to date, the itching has been under control. Most nights he is taking a sleeping pill to help him sleep so the itching might not be an issue. All I can say is Red is now much happier not having to go to the derms office twice a week. He was wishing he could stop going all together but that was just not an option.

We saw Red's retina specialist today and after a quick examination we were told that the tiny bleeders he had on his retinas have cleared up. We are now back onto regular 6 month intervals for appointments (we were having his retinas checked every 3 months).

So, for today, it is a good day. Even though Red’s steps are slower, seeing that skip in his gate is rewarding. We will deal with the bad days as they come…

Good morning to you
Good morning to you
We're all in our places
With bright shiny faces
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
It's a wonderful way
To start a new day
Good morning to you

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Help the Forgotten Ones

Help the Forgotten Ones…

As part of my weekly Sunday Prayer for the Elderly, I can’t help but think of those who don’t have someone to pray over them. When I wrote my book “Will Work 4 Food” I got to walk within the trenches of our homeless and met some elderly folks who have nothing-I mean absolutely nothing, no partner, no family, no loved ones at all, nothing! Their only companion is the loneliness of their day to day struggle for survival.

Looking at Kerry’s mom and dad I can’t help but see how blessed they are to have people surrounding them that love them and CARE. Those of you who have an elderly person (or two) living with you should feel blessed for you are a gift to them and for that you will be rewarded.

So, today it is all about remembering those who are forgotten, with no family, dying alone. Our prayer is for them;

Lord our Father, let compassion REIGN where ever our elderly are living or being cared for. Bless them in their old age. Sharpen their minds. Bring them laughter and joy. Soothe their spiritual and physical pain. Dearest God, let them feel they have true worth and value. Let them not be in despair. Surround them with angels. Help our dear elderly. No one ever knows what is ahead, or in their next tomorrow. Help them be not afraid. Our heavenly Father....Bless us all with an eagerness to learn from our elderly. In Jesus’ compassionate Name I do pray.  Amen.

“The silver-head is a crown of glory. If it is found in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31)

“The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair is the splendor of the old.” (Proverbs 20:29)

Today, when you see an elderly person, try taking 5 minutes out of your day to make their day a “Special” one.

For more information about Will Work 4 Food, click here;    
He Has Risen!
He Has Risen Indeed!

Happy  Easter

Friday, April 6, 2012

Modern Medicine

Modern Medicine

So, as you know, Red (Kerry's dad) has two cancers (one is a rare skin cancer and the other one is prostate). With his blessings, I am sharing with you the trials and tribulations he has to endure.

If you've read my previous BLOGs then you are up to date on his condition and what the future has in store for him. If you haven't read my previous posts, then feel free to do so to get updated on where we stand today.

Last week we saw his Oncologist who wanted to take a different path as far as his medications went. The labs showed his PSA was still climbing and so a change of course as far as the drugs go was in order. Red was prescribed a new med (Chemo in pill form). Red, being 90 years old would probably not handle regular Chemo therapy very well, so this less aggressive path became the preferred method of attack.

There are possible side effects which include nausea and blood in his urine. Apparently once taken these meds split into two molecules; one is the Chemo component that attacks the cancer (a good thing) while the other molecule attaches to the inner walls of the bladder, which may cause bleeding. The doctors are not concerned about that; drinking plenty of fluids will flush out the bladder and any blood within it.

Red was not eager to start the meds today because he has been, for the most part, feeling pretty good and is not looking forward to the possibility of feeling lousy. We decided to put off taking his new meds until Justin and his family returned home to Washington state. They arrived here a week ago wanting to spend as much time with Poppi (Red) as they could...and they did. But now that the house guests have gone, he reluctantly started the new meds this morning. The doctor has had very positive results with the medication to date and hopefully, Red will enjoy the same results. All prayers are appreciated.

I will keep you updated . . .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Grandfathers Story Shared…

If you want to know what a Hallmark moment truly is, try sitting back to watch a grandfather share his stories with his grandson. These are stories that everyone has heard before. Listening to the story unfold, as it has done so many times before, has a certain sweetness to the conclusion; to the sharing; to the moment.

These are the moments that inspire those touching poems we find within those Hallmark cards; those cards we seek when searching for something “special” to say to that certain loved one… 

      A grandfather’s story is never quite done,       
                                                as a grandchild’s ear stretches to learn.                                                 
  A grandfather’s smile, old fashion ideals,  
a grandchild’s curiosity forever burns.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Open your arms to Jesus

Open your arms to Jesus,

Last week, I posted a Prayer for the Elderly and after receiving so many positive comments I decided to make the focus on this Sunday, and all of the Sundays to follow, to be all about Him. Here is our prayer; 
                                                                                                                           Father, I come to you in Jesus' name and ask for Your blessings upon all the elderly. Help us to learn from their wisdom and to share it with others. May you warm their 'winter years' with the assurance of eternal life. Please give inner peace to those who suffer with Alzheimer's, dementia or any type of mental illness. May the younger generation realize that with your blessings, we too; will be elderly someday, so as to remind us to apply our patience when we're in the presence of an elderly person. Send them dreams of Heaven and fill their rooms with your angels. Calm their fears of loneliness with whispers from the Holy Spirit, assuring them that: You will NEVER leave them alone,but be with them always! Ease their pain and discomforts, I pray. And I thank you dear Lord for all the elderly that remain in our lives today!

I ask it all in the name above every name, the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the true and the living God! Amen.

As Kerry and I work doing our daily responsibilities, we are reminded of that saying, “There but for the grace of God go I.”  We can count our blessing and give praise.