Saturday, March 9, 2013

P90X - My Journey

P90X - My Journey

Today was the final day of what I lovingly referred to as my Odyssey. There was nothing about the last 90 days that I regret except for not doing this earlier on in my life. Moving forward, you can be assured that some sort of physical discipline will be a regular part of my routine. Kerry and I have already talked about, and designed a gym in our RV garage. We sold the RV a couple of years ago to make room for Kerry's parents possessions when they moved in with us. Soon, the last of it will be gone giving us back our space. A mini-gymnasium is born.  

Today was of course a special day of accomplishment. It just goes to show,  you can do anything if you set your mind to it. I set my mind to it and look at me now...It is done!

I started today with the Saturdays routine, Kenpo. I find it ironic that my last day of P90X is a Saturday, the day I do my favorite workout (Kenpo). It was wonderful. Later on, after doing some yard work with Kerry, I headed to the gym to pump out a quick 3 mile jog. 

As I said in earlier postings, I will continue to run, 4 times a week, just as a part of my long term maintenance goals. Kenpo will also be a part of that regime. I will also add some other P90X components to round off my weekly workout schedule, but for now, I will just leave all of  that in "concept mode" giving myself a few days off to enjoy this side of the finish line.

I am convinced that moving forward, starting each year with a 90 day P90X exercise plan, is the right thing to do. January, February and March...consider them spoken for, reserved, booked!

When I started doing this workout in late November, I took a series of body measurements and if you are interested, here are a few of the details;  My Chest grew an inch. My waist shrunk down to 35 inches from 40 inches. My Biceps gained a 1/2 inch, as did my forearms. My thighs gained an inch (mostly from my running), and the biggest transformation for me was my weight.. I weighed 212 lbs in Nov. and now I am down to 185 lbs (I still have a  little ways to go before I hit my target).                                                     

I also tracked my hours just to have a running total of the hours I committed to this experiment. Here are my P90X workout totals;

X Cardio 1½  hrs                                 
Yoga X 24hrs                                        
Chest & Back   5hrs  
Plyometrics  10hrs                                
Shoulder & Arms  6hrs                         
Legs & Back  10hrs 
Kenpo X  13hrs                                  
 X-Stretch   16hrs                                  
 Core Synergistics 6hrs    
Ab Ripper X 8hrs                                
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps  5hrs           
Back & Biceps  5hrs

Total P90X 108½ hrs                          
Miles Ran 117

In closing, I wish to thank all of you for being faithful readers (followers). It was my pleasure sharing this journey with you. Stay tuned (keep an eye out) for my next blog series titled Anchors Away. This will be the daily log of our upcoming vacation in April. Once we get back home I will post each days log (with pictures) so you can share in the relaxation of our time away from home. Are you curious? You'll have to wait and see.

Hope you enjoy this before & after picture of me...

Friday, March 8, 2013

P90X - It Just Happened...

P90X - It Just Happened...

When I first started blogging about this physical education journey I asked myself on many occasions if I should post a blog entry each and every day, or if once a week would suffice. I even contemplated just doing a monthly update report with a focus on a comparison from one month to another. Sitting down to write a posting each and every day was something I really didn't plan on doing. It just happened.

Initially I thought that I would not know what to say, day after day, week after week, month after month. How can someone sit down and write something "interesting" for ninety straight days? It seems that the formula I used worked. With over 3000 readers I owe you gratitude for sticking with me through this long (and sometimes painful) experience.

Here is my story for today, day 89 of 90. I am rounding the corner and heading into the straight-away. I can see that finish line up ahead, almost there; must keep going; can't stop now. "Bring It"

This would be the last time that I would have to do the P90X Legs and Back routine. As I slipped the DVD back into its sleeve I had a brief moment of anticipation for the day, sometime down the road, when I would return to this wonderful workout DVD. I have strong legs mostly due to my regular 3 mile runs and partially due to Legs and Back, and other P90X routines.

Today was a little backwards for me. As you know, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I add the Ab Ripper X program to the end of my workout routine (doubling up). On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I hit the gym for an aggressive 3 mile run. Today, being a Friday was going to be an Ab Ripper day, but with the busy schedule of things around here that needed to be done, I ended up doing the Ab Ripper X first, then added my Legs and Back exercises. 

The Ab Ripper never seemed so easy. It also made my regular routine go smoother, although the burn I felt in my legs was intense (manageable, but intense). Go figure...I have been doing the Ab Ripper after the workout all of these months and it isn't until my last day of doing Ab Ripper that I discover it makes a great warm up for other exercises. I'll have to remember that the next time I find myself down the P90X path (and I will be back down this path again).

So, with that said, I will close today with a smile for I know what I have accomplished, these past few months, was not only the right thing for me to do, it was the smart thing for me to do. 

I Don't Want It To Be Over

Thursday, March 7, 2013

P90X - It Never Was My Favorite...

P90X - It Never Was My Favorite...

It is so close, I can almost see it...the finish line that is. Yes, this is my 88th day of 90, which means I only have two more to go.

 One of my biggest concerns entering into this P90X journey was getting injured and not being able to finish what I started. Now when I say getting injured, I am referring to pulling a muscle, or dislocating a bone somewhere, or maybe even worse-messing up my back or neck; you know...something extreme exercise related. These were all reasonable concerns, which prompted me to take baby steps in the beginning. I started slow, knowing that I would grow (evolve) into it.And I did! Within the first week or so I found that I was able to do a lot of the exercises, without problem. Endurance was my only problem and over time, that became more of a non issue. In the beginning I hit the pause button, a lot!

If you have been following my Blog from the beginning, and a lot of you have, you will remember that posting titled "A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way Home From The Gym" (end of December 2012) - the story of my hand injury, hand surgery and hand recovery. Yes, I did end up missing some P90X time during the healing process but at least it wasn't from me doing something stupid while exercising. Instead it was caused by me doing something stupid while gardening.

Today, the Wednesday of my last week, I was scheduled to do the Yoga X routine, and I did. I worked the full 1 1/2 hour program and took mental notes of where I advanced (improved) and where I still needed some work. Obviously improvement is required in mastering the perfect positioning, something that will take time (years) and guess what? I have nothing but time. The one Yoga position I still haven't done is the Crane. It doesn't interest me, at all and it isn't worth risking injury. I noticed Tony (the P90X guru) was having a lot of trouble getting into the Crane position...I never noticed that before. All of the other P90X Yoga X maneuvers were completed, more or less, as required. I was so pleased when the program was finished, knowing that this was my last P90X Yoga class (it never was my favorite).

After feeding Kerry's mom, it was time for me to head to the gym and knock out another 3 mile sprint. I was in second heaven, running (a thing I enjoy doing) while watching the financial news reporting that the Dow index is still climbing (another thing I enjoy doing). I've had plenty of days running while watching the stock market go in the other direction...this was a nice change.

So, in closing, there will be only two more postings regarding this P90X adventure, one tomorrow and the last one on Saturday. Glad you stayed with me and followed along. I am so glad this was my last Yoga...

 I said it was the last Yoga, not Yoda

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

P90X - Blend Until Smooth and Creamy...

P90X - Blend Until Smooth and Creamy

Yes, this is my 87th day of 90 and being a Wednesday, I got to do the Back and Biceps workout along with the Ab Ripper X as an add on.

I find it interesting how ones arms fatigue and become rubbery after prolonged exercise. Case in point, Back and Biceps was just as the title says...exercising the back and biceps. This of course involved nothing more that curling weights with lots of pull-ups in between. My first set of pull-ups were normal with the expected number being achieved. By the time the program was nearing the end I was lucky if I could do 4 pull-ups, if that many. There just wasn't any strength left in my arms.

Tony, the P90X guru suggests that when doing curls (or any weight lifting) you should pick a number and go for it (8-12 or 12-15). If the number you reach doesn't bring on the burn, you need to either increase the number or increase the weight. He also says that when you get to a point where you can't lift anymore and you are losing your form, that is the time to stop. I did each curl with that advice as my focus. There were many times when doing curls, I just couldn't lift that weight another inch...the rubbery arm thing once again.

Now that I am all done, I feel that wonderful tingling all over and it is good. Time for me to make my own version of a recovery drink. I looked at the P90X Beachbody formula for their recovery drink and it has too many stimulants in it for me. I have my own versions of  recovery drinks that I use and for me, they do the job. 

When I run, I always drink Gatorade. That keeps me going and replenishes electrolytes as well. When I finish a heavy workout, like any of the P90X routines I take a large scoop of Whey powder with protein (chocolate or vanilla) and add it to 8-10 oz of water and shake well. When I only have 30 minutes left to my workout, I put the Whey drink in the freezer so by time I get to it, it is frosty cold (yummy). This helps rebuild my muscle tissue and energize me for the rest of the day. I am going to start juicing veggies and fruits on a daily basis as a part of my long term maintenance.

Here is a recipe for a smoothie that you might enjoy. Take a hand full of frozen fruit and place it in a blender. Then while it is mixing add the following; a large carrot, a stalk of celery, a tomato and a few ice cubes. Blend until smooth and creamy. Enjoy.  (Note: some blenders do not chop veggies fine enough so a juicer would be a good alternative). 

Now, that's Yummy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

P90X - Hey, I'm Entitled...

P90X - Hey, I'm Entitled...

Being my 86th day and only having 4 days to go before I soar past that imaginary finish line, I have multiple feelings going through me, all at the same time. In short, I am curious about how well I will maintain this new discipline of eating the right foods and most important, long term portion control.  

Today's workout included Plyometrics which I love and hate all at the same time. Maybe a little more love than hate. My jumps are higher and when doing the 180 degree spin, I am able now to keep up and actually do the full 180 turn. The Rock Star jump is now do-able for me, although I still can't seem to get enough air time to lift my feet up so they hit my butt. Maybe it is a physical limitation or that inner voice telling me that if I do, I'll end up doing a face plant. Either way, I know my limits...limits that are nothing more than a challenge for me. One day I will get there, but for now I am happy being able to jump and get air time, at the same pace as those professionals on the DVD. My favorites on this program are the Monster Tires, Lateral Frog, Hot Foot, the Heisman and of course, Squat Jumping Jacks. I could do all of those all day long, with breaks in between of course.

Being a Tuesday I also got to do two other important things. First, I went to the gym and pumped out an easy 3 mile run. This really brought on the sweat. I especially enjoyed the last mile. There was a certain skip to my step and I think it had to do with the other reason why this Tuesday was a special one. I get to go to the airport today and pick up my reason for living. Yes, Kerry is coming home. I get to share space with the one who completes me. Yeah, I know...kinda of mushy and kissy...Hey, I'm entitled! Oh, and one more thing...this is also the Tuesday that the DOW Index closed at an all time high. HOORA!

Being the last week of my P90X journey, today's Plyometrics, just like every other workout this week will be the last time I get to do them...FOR NOW. My goal is to find an easy long term maintenance exercise schedule which includes my 3 mile run 4 times per week. And every January I will start the P90X over making January, February and March my "Cleaning House" period. Of course when I say cleaning house I am referring to loosing unwanted weight gained from the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays that just past and purging all of the toxins that have built up in my body over the past year. That's my goal anyways, only time will tell if it is a realistic goal...I'm sure it is.

If you're interested, here is a look at what Plyometric looks like being done by a P90X beginner;  

Hey Ma, Look What I Can DO.

Monday, March 4, 2013

P90X - No Big Deal...

P90X - No Big Deal...

Today, my 85th P90X day, had me doing Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Being the last time I will do this specific exercise I decided to push not only beyond the envelope, but way, way beyond the envelope. The last time I worked out with this DVD there were a couple of push-up sequences that worried met (i.e. the clap, the one armed push-up and the slide). Today I was successful with all three. Now, like I said before, some of the routines I do are far from pretty but for me, the intensity, burn and sweat is there, and that is all I really care about.

When doing the Plyometric of Clapping push-up last time, I was able to do them, but only 5 or 6 before giving in to the weakness over powering my arms. Today I did 12. I also did 12 of the Slide push-up (I forgot the actual name, but this is the one where as you push-up, your left arm slides way out to the side and then back in and on the next push-up your right arm does the same). 

The number 12 seemed to be my magic number today. I also did 12 of the one armed push-ups. As far as depth goes, I really didn't have very much but that didn't matter to me. I did them and it almost killed me (in a good way). I even did 10 of the one armed push-ups with the leg and arm side rise maneuver (again, I am not sure of the actual name).

I understand that some of you may say, "What is so impressive about doing 10 or 12 push-ups?" I would agree, doing a dozen or so push-ups is no big deal, at all. But, then again, when you add some factors like my age (56) and my former physical condition (all cushy) and throw in the fact that it is not only a dozen push-ups but a full hour of one push-up sequence after another with some weightlifting thrown in between, you will start to see the BIG picture.

Of course, this being a Monday, my routine today was followed by a healthy dose of Ab Ripper X. Today I just did the Ab Ripper program without the DVD, just to see if I had it locked and loaded within my memory. I ran the DVD afterwards (fast forward) just to see if I forgot anything. I had all of the sequences, just messed up the order a little. No big deal. 

I love it when a plan comes together

Sunday, March 3, 2013

P90X - It's So Sad...NOT!

P90X - It's So Sad...NOT!

It is hard to believe that I am already finished my 84th day of my 90 day P90X adventure. 

You may have noticed that during my blogging, I have referred to this as an adventure, a challenge, a journey or even an odyssey. There has been one word that I never used...up until now that is. That word is "Success" - My P90X chapter has been a success in every regard. There will be more to follow on that in future postings.

I also had a realization today, one that brought a smile across my sweaty face. Half way through today's workout I started thinking about all of the different exercise programs that the P90X introduced to me. Then it hit me. This was my last week. I had only 6 more days left, next Saturday being my 90th and last day. That means that each DVD I play will be the last time I do that specific DVD exercise. Today was my Sunday regular X Stretch. Yes, this is the last time I will be doing X Stretch. The same applies for tomorrows workout and each remaining workout after that. Each day next week will host a P90X program, for the very last time. It's so sad...NOT!

I am looking forward to sharing with you my final P90X days and I hope my final summary encourages you in some small way. If you read this or any of my P90X postings and would like to ask me a specific question about my journey's successes or failures, please feel free to use the comments box below. I promise to get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Yes, we've Evolved

Saturday, March 2, 2013

P90X - He Made Me Do It...

P90X - He Made Me Do It...

My 83rd day bought to me two of my most favorite workouts. I started early with Kenpo X and finished off with a 3 mile run. I know, I know, the 3 mile run isn't part of the P90X program and I would have been just fine doing the entire 90 days without it. I would have lost some weight and my general physical condition would still have been vastly improved. But here's the deal; I like running.

I never understood why people jogged through parks or around neighborhoods, that is until I started running myself. Funny thing is, I get bored and when I get bored my focus wanders. I tried running around my neighborhood. I even mapped out a 3 mile route. But there are two reasons why I prefer to run at the gym instead of on the road. First, I love getting absorbed into CNN or some other news channel. It makes the time fly by, and for me that is a good thing. The second reason the gym is preferred might have something to do with comfort. The asphalt roads are firm and have no give to them. The treadmill is soft and cushy in comparison. Maybe I just need to get some new running shoes, ones that provide the cushion I've come to love and enjoy.

After doing my series of Kenpo punches, kicks and blocks, I can feel the leg and arm muscles thanking me for the workout. They happily absorbed that oxygen rich blood with every flex and now, they are resting, well fed, pleased.

One week, or seven days, or seven sleeps if you will...that is all that I have left. Part of me wants to celebrate the conclusion by going out and diving into a big juicy cheese burger (with fries extra crispy) but in reality, I will celebrate by making a fruit smoothie with Whey protein and maybe take a nice long walk around the hood, with Kerry (my wife) and Rosie (our dog).

Oh, one more thing...I would like to give a shout out to Nicholas, my youngest stepson. He is the one who introduced P90X to me...He made me do it! He not only started me upon this journey, he also embarked on his own P90X odyssey (his second time doing it). Today was his 90th day. Hey Nick, wait for me, I'll be there soon.

Nick doing Warrior 3
Alabama Style

Friday, March 1, 2013

P90X - You Gotta Be Kiddin...

P90X - You Gotta Be Kiddin...

There was a time, not that long ago when I thought that the P90X exercises were just too difficult for me; too extreme and beyond my physical abilities. Today, as I flew through the Ab Ripper X DVD, I was amazed at how far I've come. Sure, I still can't do a few of the exercises the way they are demonstrated, but that doesn't stop me from doing the same sort of muscle group workout, my own way; a way that does work for me.

This, my 82nd day, brings me only within 8 days of the eventual finish line. Being the Friday of my third week of Phase Three, I was obligated to start today's exercise program with Legs and Back (lunges and chin-ups). Every one of the exercises were manageable and completed without too much strain, blood, sweat and tears. 

It is interesting doing the Ab Ripper X program after working on ones legs. The leg muscles are all warmed up and ready to go. Does this make the program any easier? I think not. It does help get my mind in the right place. I think I have my most difficulty doing extreme exercises when my mind it wandering off to faraway places. When I allow my thoughts to go blank, the routine seems to go a lot easier, smother, quicker. That is probably a good reason to include a little Yoga in your exercise regime. It helps you ground your inner being, that fire that feeds your soul.

This journey has taught me one very important lesson; don't stop trying to do something, just because you think you can't do it. Looking back to my first P90X week, I remember hitting the pause button at the beginning of almost every exercise. "You Gotta Be Kiddin," was my initial reaction to every workout, when I first got into this adventure. I really didn't think I would last the entire 90 days. Now look at me, only 8 more days to go before I publish my summary, measurements and before and after pics (maybe I'll leave out the pics). 

Not The 6 Pack I'm Looking For