Friday, March 23, 2012

Reflections . . . of a good day

Reflections . . . of a good day

As I woke up I looked up at the ceiling wondering what I ws going to BLOG about today. Nothing was coming to me. I decided to just not think about it anymore and to turn it over to God. And I did...

First thing this morning, when Red got up, he came into the kitchen with a broad smile upon his face. As I said good morning to him he smiled back and replied, "Thank God for pain pills." That meant he had a good nights sleep and will most likely have an awesome day, even though it is a day of doctors appointments and procedures (light and laser treatments for his skin cancer).

Seeing him walk (with walker in hand) and having that certain skip to his step, I can't help but reflect on some of the good days we have enjoyed in the past (and there were many and by the grace of God, there will be many more).

One of the greatest days in recent history was the celebration of his 90th birthday (Nov 3rd, 2011). We had nephews, nieces, cousins, brothers, sisters, kids, grandkids, great grandkids, neighbors and friends visiting from all over. One of the nearby hotels was over run with the Campbell clan and our guest rooms were at capacity We even had our camper set up in the driveway to house the overflow.

I can go on and on about that wonderful day, but instead, I thought I would just show you the video.

Enjoy this video of the family celebrating Red;

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Be Blessed... 

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