Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A day in the life of Richard...

A Day in the Life of Richard

When I open my eyes in the morning, usually between 5am and 6am, my feet hit the ground running. First order of business is to start the coffee. The previous evening I put together the prep for the morning’s coffee as well as breakfast for Kerry and her mom and dad.

Once the coffee is going I cook the porridge (oatmeal) for Kerry while bringing her a cup of coffee to sip on as she wakes up to the day. Once she gets her breakfast I start preparing the porridge for her mom who is usually up by 7am. It usually takes around 30 minutes from the time she wakes up to the time she reaches her recliner (this is where she eats her breakfast and lunch). Once she gets her food (and newspaper) I start the work on Kerry’s dad’s meal. He usually takes an hour to get ready in the morning so I have a little time to multi task (work on his breakfast, feeding the dog and putting together Kerry’s lunch if it is a work day for her). Once Kerry’s dad gets his food I can start washing the dishes from Kerry and her mom’s breakfast. By time Kerry leaves for work (7:45am), the meals and cleanup are complete.

This is the time for my first break…I head to the gym for an hour workout (I have to keep in shape just in case Kerry’s mom or dad have a fall – picking them up takes strength – I’ve been there, done that!).

On Tuesdays and Fridays Red (Kerry’s dad) has multiple procedures (ultra light and laser) to treat his skin cancer. These appointments usually take up the entire morning; then you can add into the mix various doctor’s appointments for both of them. Every week is the same. Once we are back at home from the light and laser treatments (or around 11:30am on any other day) I prepare a lunch for Kerry’s folks. During the afternoon I usually do my chores around the house (cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc). By 2:00pm I am ready for my second break (hot tub time for Ricky).

After my afternoon break I usually start putting dinner together. While cooking dinner I will gather and assemble the ingredients for the next day’s breakfast (oatmeal, fruit, nuts, etc) and prepare the portions so all I have to do in the morning is heat and serve. We usually eat dinner by 5:30pm.

After eating we sit around the table while I read to Red (Kerry’s dad). He enjoys having a storyteller in the family and I gladly fill that role. By 6:30pm the dishes are done, Kerry’s mom has flossed her teeth and changed into her jammies and Kerry’s dad has Wheel of Fortune on the TV. This is when Kerry and I retreat to our part of the house and relax for the remainder of the day (or should I say evening)?

By 9:00pm shouts of "goodnights" can be heard as we all head to bed. As our heads hit the pillow Kerry and I contemplate the events of the day and what we have to look forward to tomorrow. We slowly surrender to the slumber that awaits us. As I wake up the next morning I start the entire thing all over again.

Yes, I am a caregiver, chef, housekeeper, chauffeur, bodyguard, medic, storyteller, husband, son-in-law and friend…and I do all of this with a praise to God for the chance of being there for Kerry’s folks as they transition through their final phase of life. It is good!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this blog Rick. I can picture Nana and Poppi's lives a little better now. We are all really looking forward to our visit next month. Thanks again for having us! See you soon.
