Thursday, March 29, 2012

Busy Busy

Busy Busy . . .

Yesterday ended up being a busy one. It was great having Kerry home to help out. The day started with breakfast as usual. Then doctors appointments for Kerry’s mom and dad in the morning. After lunch Kerry’s folks  had massage appointments. Dinner at 5:30 followed by American Idol, followed by all of our heads hitting the pillow. Not to mention that we are getting our septic tank pumped out so in between all of the running around I had to dig up the clean out, in 90+ degree weather. I slept well last night. Today is a quiet day so other then having the "honey" wagon show up at 8am the only other thing I have to do is my daily gym routine. 

It has almost been two weeks now since I started this BLOG. My intention was to share with you what life is like when you live with and care for the aged. The most important thing for me (and for those of you who are also caring for an elderly person) to remember is that as long as they are capable of being independent and can still do things for themselves, then that freedom is what should be encouraged and praised. If there are portions of their daily activities that they can't do alone (big or small), then that is what the caring family is all about. 

I am going to shift now from daily entries to weekly updates…unless something specific comes up. Over the months (and hopefully years to follow) we will share with you what old age is all about, not only the bad, but the sweet as well.

I will continue to ask you to pray for Red, as so many of you already are. Our church will continue to honor those who are shut ins and for that we are grateful as well. 

When Red and I talked about this BLOG and sharing his experience with all of you, he smiled knowing that even though some of the stories may be funny while others are sad, if his life touches at least one of you, then he will feel blessed. From your replies, he knows now that he has been blessed many times.

We laughed when we were speaking with his Oncologist yesterday. Red said to him, "Even if you get me healthy I'm still going to die from something!" The doctor looked at him, puzzled yet encouraged at how easily Red was taking in all of this. Last night after dinner Red looked at me and asked if I was going to start a "pool" on what would kill him first. We laughed together while silently inside I was experiencing a totally different emotion. Kerry's mom said to me yesterday, "I can see a difference in Red. I don't want him to leave me." Nobody wants Red to leave...God is controlling that schedule of events...for all of us!

If you are caring for an elderly person and this BLOG helps you in some way to realize that you are not alone; your feelings and experiences are shared my many others…then my job is done and this BLOG will be deemed a success (not to mention the blessing for Red and his wife Chris...and Kerry and me as well).

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