Saturday, March 24, 2012

Please don't burn down my house...

Please don't burn down my house...

Today is Saturday and with Kerry having the day off we are going to take advantage of this time to go out and have some fun. We try to do this whenever we can, as a means on maintaining our sanity. We have what we call our date night during the week which usually involves us going out for dinner somewhere or maybe a walk around downtown. A few hours away from the house does wonders for both Kerry and me.

This being a day with an opportunity for the two of us to play, we are planning on spending the day doing just that. First order of business, after everyone has eaten their breakfast will be for Kerry and me to head to the gym. After we work up a sweat, we will come home, shower and prepare for the rest of the day.

We signed up for a seminar which will run from 1:00pm until 5:00pm. So, before we leave we will make two lunch plates and serve them to Red and Chris by around 11:30am or so. A friend of ours is in town today attending a seminar (not the same one we are going to) and we are planning on going out for dinner with him this evening. We will all meet back here at the house at 5:50 or so then head out for an evening of fun conversation, good food, etc.

Now for the scary part. Trying to figure out something for dinner for Red and Chris was a challenge. Red will have to prepare the meal himself tonight. Red loves to cook and bake and he does complain that I don’t allow him enough time in the kitchen. I've watched Red cook before and it can be scary. Most of my concerns are based on two things; his poor eyesight and his mind sometimes wanders. I've seen him, with empty pan on burner, turn the element up on high and then start doing something else, forgetting about the pan. When I come in and turn the burner down I let him know that he forgot to keep an eye on it. He usually replies, "I didn't forget it. I wanted the pan hot. That's the way I like it." My reply is usually something like, "Oh, okay. Just don't burn down the house."  Pans can be easily replaced but a house (or even a kitchen) is a lot more complicated. And don't get me started about watching him toss the dish towel so it lands kind of close to a hot burner. Now I know starting a fire is not his intention. It is like I said earlier, his eye sight is poor and his mind sometimes wanders. When Red cooks Kerry or I try to be there standing by, just in case. For the most part Red does a good job cooking (somewhat messy, but good).

Well, as I mentioned above, we're going out for dinner and it was decided that Red will cook a DiGiorno frozen pizza. All he has to do is preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place the frozen pizza in the preheated oven, on the middle rack for 22 minutes. Using the pizza paddle will help him to retrieve it once it is cooked. Once sliced he and Chris can sit down and enjoy their meal. We will cut up a tomato and have it already plated for them to enjoy with their pizza. Ice cream bars are in the freezer.

Here is the reality of my concern. If he preheats the oven and leaves it on for a longer period of time, then no big deal - it's just wasted electricity. But, if he places the pizza in the oven and forgets about it, it could get a little smoky in the kitchen. All I can do it replace the batteries in our smoke detector and know that whatever happens, happens for a reason.  I guess I should make sure he knows where the fire extinguisher before we leave.


NFPA presents Dan Doofus in "Kitchen for Trouble"   <--WATCH THIS 

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