Friday, November 14, 2014

Minor Remodel...On the Rocks

Early this morning...and I mean early...we heard the rumble of a heavy truck making its way up our street. Yupp, it was a delivery for us; enough rock to complete the entire project, and some.

Watching the operator control the boom was interesting. My only concern was if any of our neighbors had to leave for work. This rig blocked the entire street and those up the road from us were stranded until the entire load was placed on our driveway.

Stones, cement and grout made up pallets and boxes neatly placed out of the way, but still easy to get at.

Let the games begin...

First, the wood had to be covered with cement board. Then the slow process of going through the rock and selecting the perfect piece, over and over and over again. This job will take a long time to finish.

 Slowly but surely, piece by piece, the left side column starts to take shape.

Brian, our stone mason is an artist and his work is his art,

Finally, we get a small sample of what the finished product will look like. We Like!

Instead of posting each and every day, I am going to simply post less often, with before and after shots of each portion of the job as they are completed. Until then, you will just have to use your imagination...

1 comment:

  1. You guys have the vision and the skilled artisans to get the job done; looks like a lot work, but wonderful! We hope to see the finished product one day in your new neck of the woods. Thanks for the updates. Great job! Miss you guys!
