Thursday, January 8, 2015

Minor Remodel...It's About Time...

Finally we are getting our Minor Remodel done. The past couple of days we have been doing prep work, getting ready for the cement pour (while the weather is in our favor).

My last post was on November 14th and on the 15th, Kerry and I headed out of town. During our time away, the side stone structure (columns) were completed. I installed the light fixtures a few weeks ago and we love the look. Now, we are ready to do the main entrance portion of the project. First, our new cement guy will do the pour, followed by the carpenter who will erect the structure. Once that is done, the mason returns to do his finishing touches.

Speaking of cement guys, did I tell you that this one is our third? The first one quit after destroying our steps. After the demo he decided he was too busy to do our job. Then we hired a new guy who did the footing work for one of the columns, but went MIA while we were out of town. Our third and final guy stayed with the job and we are now almost done with the cement portion. All of the other trades are patiently waiting in the wings for their turn at bat.

It was decided that the first thing that needed to be done was to remove ALL of the gravel that the first cement guy placed. Apparently there was a ton of debris buried beneath the gravel, which could affect the integrity of the slab.

There was a lot of gravel that needed to be removed (sifted)...

This large trailer was filled to the rim with junk we found buried...

Finally, the space is cleaned out and ready for the correct product to be conveyed in.

 This guy has the coolest job...and perfect aim.

Not one scratch on our front door...

Once the space was full, it was time to build the forms...

And double check the plans...

Once the steel (rebar) was in place, I called for our first inspection...scheduled for Friday morning.

We should be good to go...

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