Saturday, January 10, 2015

Minor Remodel...Concrete Facts,,,

First thing this morning, while I slept deeply, Kerry woke me up saying, "You better get up. They'll be here soon." She was right. Before I could sip my first cup of decaf, a pickup truck pulled up to our place, then another and yet one more joined in as well. They all gathered and greeted each other as if they were long lost pals. 

Within five minutes the beep beep beep sound could be heard as the STAR of the show slowly backed up our street and into place. The pumper guy was making his final set up arrangements as the two of them became one, sort of.

Let the games begin...

All of the forms were put in place last night before the crew left so this morning it was basically a matter of starting the concrete flow and working the cement into place.

Kerry and I had a blast watching.

Everyone had a job to do, including job was to stay out of the way. And I did.

Yahoo, we are going to finally have steps that reach our front door.

I had to open the front door and take a closer look. I don't think anyone noticed me.

Slowly they made their way down to the driveway level.

Within 20 to 30 minutes the pumping was complete. All of the concrete was in place and now it simply had to be worked, by hand...the artists can now show off their skills.

The cement truck, the pumper and laborer have all gone by now. This is the time for the detailing to be done. Too many cooks spoil the broth, uh I mean finish,

All that is left to do now is expose the aggregate, That will be all for today. Within a couple of days they will come back to remove the last of the forms. That will be the end (finally) of the cement portion of this minor remodel.

We are being told that due to the cooler weather, we should wait between 3 to 5 days before we start the carpentry portion. Good Idea!

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