Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Minor Remodel...I've Been Framed...

Today was a busy one. First thing this morning Victor (our carpenter) and his son showed up with tape measure and ladders in hand. They were going to take a series of measurements before going on a supply run,...just to make sure nothing was forgotten.

It wasn't too long before they were back, setting up shop. Initially there was some question as to where exactly the new rock, once installed, would end. Will the outer edge of the rock cover the end of the building? Will it be flush or should we pull it back a little, for good measure? We pondered, and studied what we had to work with, did a little math and came up with a final positioning of the framing for the two side columns.

Measure twice...cut once. I was glad to see Victor ans son practicing that logic. Every cut was spot on.

Once the left side was complete, I couldn't believe how massive these columns actually were. Very impressive. I was the typical home owner, running around snapping photos. Hey, I want to keep a record...These guys were too busy to notice.

A portion of the lower right column was left open due to a hose bib within the cavity of the structure. We have a plumber coming tomorrow morning to relocate it. Yea, I know...why pay a plumber to do an easy honey-do like unscrew a hose bib, attach a 90 deg. elbow and nipple extending it out the side wall of the new column? Here is my reasoning...I don't want to unscrew it and have it break inside the wall. I'll leave that potential complication to the professionals.

My brother-in-law (John) will also come by tomorrow (or maybe the day after) to relocate two light fixtures that are being covered up by the new structure.

We will update these postings as we move along.

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