Thursday, November 13, 2014

Minor Remodel...Call Me Sparky

The question is, "How much does it costs to get a top notch electrician to come to your home, on a moments notice?"

The answer is...

John came over today to help relocate the outer-most lights that would have other wise been hidden within the two new side columns. I got to be his helper. You can call me Sparky.

The old fixture looked something like this. When the cement board, electrical boxes and rock is installed we will be ready to add the new light fixtures (haven't picked them out yet).

Good work John...and THANKS

And now we pause for a short commercial break...

The last thing we did today was to relocate that hose bib. You nay remember from previous pictures, this hose bib was located right in the middle cavity of the right side column. Below you can see it covered with a insulating cover.

Now, it is relocated so that it comes out on the side of the column (out of view). The copper pipe is covered with one of those insulated foam sleeves then wrapped with an insulation tape. There will be no freezing of pipes inside of this column. Once the column is closed up, covered with cement board and then rocked, repairing a leaky or burst pipe inside will be complicated (and expensive).

We made sure to leave enough room for the cement board and rock. I have never heard of an Anti Freeze hose bib before. Well, in case you haven't either, this is what they look like.

More to permitting!

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