Monday, November 10, 2014

Minor Remodel...Concrete Pump or Carry

As you know, from my previous postings, our cement guy decided he didn't have time to finish our minor remodel project. This, of course, was after he demo'd our front stairs, leaving us a five foot first step. Nice professionalism...NOT!

Well, we found a new cement guy who was willing to step in and get the project going again. Our goal was to have the initial footing for the column on the right side of the house done ASAP. This way the carpenter can come in and start framing the column, followed by the stone mason, plumber, electrician, etc. 

Two days ago I started digging down far enough to expose and reroute the irrigation supply lines away from the new footing. Once I finished my part of the job I called our new cement guy and gave him the green light. This morning he showed up by 10:00 am and finished digging the hole, placed the forms and drilled holes into the house foundation for the rebar.

Because of the location of the footing, there was no other way to get the concrete up there other than pumping. This was preferred over the other option...mixing the 20+ bags of cement in a wheel barrel, by hand. Pumping was the way to go. Now if only we could get a piggy back order of cement added on to an order already being delivered to the area, we would be in business. If it didn't happen today I was assured it would happen tomorrow. The cement guy left and I was happy about the work accomplished today.

As I went out to get the mail, I noticed my cement guy sitting in his truck. He was smiling as he opened his window and yelled out to me, "The cement is on its way." That was good news. The pump guy was also on his way. It was all coming together.

When the cement pump guy showed up and looked at the size of the job, he laughed as he asked me if I had a wheel barrel. I told him I did, but it had a flat. I also mentioned that I have a compressor and together we pumped up the flat tire until it was firm enough to handle full loads of concrete. He didn't want to spend the time setting up and cleaning up his pumper for such a small job.

Together, my cement guy and the pump guy filled the wheel barrel, carried it up to the level where the footing was being built and slowly filled in the hole. They did this over and over until the footing was just right...8 wheel barrel loads total.

 After the last load was in place, the finish work was completed in just a few minutes.

It was done...and it was good.

Now we can at least get some of the carpentry done while waiting for the cement guy to come back and finish the entrance steps and landing. We will keep you posted as we move along with our minor remodel.

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